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Beta | Data Connections Overview

Connectors are a system for all batch data file transfers between and brands, partners, or other parties. Each connection (an individual connector) has certain attributes, such as the data type (clicks, conversions, product catalogs, etc.), direction (inbound or outbound), method (SFTP, FTP, Email), and more.

Don't have Connections on your account? Since this feature is in beta, you might not have it on your account yet. If you don't, learn how to submit conversion data via FTP or email.

View the Connections screen

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. On the left, under Account → Technical , select Connections.

    • The Connections screen shows existing connections, statuses, and actions, and is where you can create new connections.

    Columns & filters


    Select the specific program whose connections you want to view or edit.


    Given name of an existing connection.


    Refers to the type of data this connection processes (e.g., conversion data, action modifications, etc.)


    Refers to the direction of the data that this connection supports: Inbound is data coming into, Outbound is data going out of to another platform.


    Refers to the transfer method this connection uses: FTP, SFTP, or Email are currently supported.

    Last Processing Status

    Refers to the latest status for the connection:

    • None

    • In Progress — data transfer via this connection is currently in progress.

    • Completed — data transfer via this connection has recently been completed.

    • Failed — data transfer via this connection has recently failed; view the connection history for details.

    Last Active

    Refers to the last time this connection's status was updated.

    ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]

    Hover over a connection to see this option. Here, you can review the actions you can take for this connection: Edit or View History to see the status history for this connection.

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