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Action Listing Based on Clearing Date Report For Partners

The Action Listing Based on Clearing Date report offers insights into your credited actions based on their clearing date (i.e., when the commission clears and is due to you).

View the report

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Reports → All Reports.

  2. On the All Reports screen, go to the Listing section and select Action Listing Based on Clearing Date.

Report definitions

Filter reference



Date Range

Filters actions based on the selected date range — only actions with clearing dates in the selected range will appear in the report.

Action Status

Filters actions based on the selected status(es).


Filters actions based on the selected brand program(s).

Action Type

Filters actions based on the selected type, which is defined by the brand event type (e.g., sale, lead, download, etc.).

Action Tracker

Filters actions based on the selected brand event type that tracked the action.


Adds an additional column to the report — Status Detail — which lists additional detail about an action.

Table reference

Table Column


Action Date

Lists the date and time when the action was recorded.

Clearing Date

Lists the date and time when the action clears (i.e., the commission amount is cleared from the brand's digital wallet and deposited to your digital wallet.

Action ID

Lists the action ID for the action. This is generated by to assist with tracking the action through the platform.

Sub ID (1,2,3)

Lists the sub ID(s) attached to the action.

Shared ID

Lists the shared ID attached to the action.


Lists the brand that the action is associated with.

Event Type

Lists the brand's event type that tracked this action.


Lists the status of the action — APPROVED, N/A (Media Source), PENDING, REVERSED.

Sale Amount

Lists the sale amount of the conversion associated with the action.

Action Earnings

Lists the commission you'll be credited with for this action.

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