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Partnered Brand Implementation Types Report

The Partnered Brand Implementation Types report shows you the type of tracking implementation for all programs in which you participate. The report includes the program name, event type, and tracking method.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select ReportsAll Reports.

  2. On the All Reports screen, scroll down to the Custom section and select Partnered Brand Implementation Types.

  3. Below the report title, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select [Search] [Search] when you have the filters in place.

    • See the Filter reference table for more information.

    • Use the icons at the top-right of the page to [Email] \ [Schedule] schedule,  or [Download] download the report in PDF, Excel, or CSV format.

    Filter reference



    Program name

    Filter by the brand program associated with the tracking implementation.

    Event Type

    Filter by the event type associated with the tracking implementation.

    Event type details can be found in your contracts with your partnered brands.

    Contract Name

    Filter by the contract associated with the tracking implementation.

    Tracking Method

    Filter by the tracking method associated with the tracking implementation.


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