Your Document Settings are where you manage the details found on the payment request documents received by partners and on your monthly statements.
From the left navigation bar, select
[Menu] → Finance.
From the left navigation menu, select Settings → Document Settings.
Make the changes you want to make.
View the Document settings reference table below for more information on the various fields.
Select Save.
Setting | Description |
General | |
Always reflect currency code on documents | Select the |
Include Chinese, Japanese and Korean font on documents | Select the |
Primary Contact | Select the contact person who should be listed on the generated invoice, forecast summary, and statement. You can select an existing account user contact or add a new one. |
Other Contacts | Specify email address(es) that will receive the artifacts according to emailing rules. | Invoices | |
Vendor Code | You can specify your organization's vendor code to ensure that it appears on the invoice. |
Email to Finance Contacts | Select the |
Alternate billing address |
Partner Invoices | |
Document Title | Select what you want your partner invoice to be called: Tax Invoice or Recipient Created Tax Invoice. |
Document Date Reflected | Specify whether the date added to the invoice should be the date it was generated or the last day of the month before. |
Due Date Description | This will reflect in the due date section of the partner invoice e.g. "net 45 Days". |
Funding Documents | |
How do you wish to fund your account | Select how you'd like to fund the account, based on invoices or based on upcoming costs. |