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Action Listing for a Paystub Report for Partners

This report gives you detailed information about all the actions associated with a particular paystub (i.e., withdrawal of funds from your account to your bank).

Manage the report

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Reports → All Reports.

  2. Under Listing select Action Listing for a Paystub.

    • To pin the report to the Reports angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu], select Add to Reports Dropdown in the Actions column.

  3. Below the report title, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select search-solid.svg [Search] when you have the filters in place that you want.

    • View the Filter reference below for more information.

    • Use the icons in the upper-right of the page to icon-emailNEW.svg schedule or icon-downloadNEW.svg download (in PDF, Excel, or CSV format)

Filter reference



Date Range

Filter by data created within a specified timeframe.


Filter by the brands for which you want to view action data.

Paystub Id

Filter by the unique identifier of the paystub for which you want to view action data.

Column reference



Paystub Id

The unique identifier of the paystub associated with the action.

Action Id

The unique identifier of the action. This is generated by to assist with tracking the action through the platform.

Campaign Id

The unique identifier of the brand program for which the action was driven.

Campaign Name

The name of the brand program for which the action was driven.

Action Tracker Id

The unique identifier of the event type associated with the action, e.g., Online Sale (18503).

Action Tracker

The event type associated with the action, e.g., Online Sale, Clicks.

Sub Id 1—3

The custom subId strings that you added to your tracking link for reporting purposes.

Shared Id

The custom sharedId string that you added to your tracking link for reporting purposes.

Sale Amount

The amount that the customer spent on their purchase.


The amount that you earned for driving the action conversion for the brand.

Action Date

The date and time that the action occurred.

Posting Date

The date on which the payout transaction was posted.

Modification Date

The date on which the action was modified or reversed. If no modifications or reversals occurred, the cell will be empty.

Locking Date

The date on which the action locks and can no longer be modified or reversed by the brand.

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