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Manage Brands as an Agency

Utilize's in-app Customer Relationship Management tools to help manage your relationship with brands. Within the Advertiser tab, you can perform actions like assign agency account managers to a brand, view all brand's programs, and more.

Log into a brand's account as an agency member

You can log into a brand's account if you need to make any updates. Any logins you perform will appear on the Brand Admin report "Log In History."

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Advertisers.

  2. Use the filters at the top of your screen to refine your view of brands.

  3. Under Login, select Login next to the brand to which you want to make changes.


View a brand's programs

Some brands can have more than one program that partners can sign up to. As an agency, you can view all programs a brand offers on

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Advertisers.

  2. Under Actions, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]View Campaigns.

  3. From here, you can email this listing report or download the report using the buttons in the top-right corner of your screen.


Manage a brand's account information

You can also update a brand's account information, like their website URL.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Advertisers.

  2. Under Actions, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]Manage Account Info.

  3. Update the brand's account information.

    • View the brand help article on contact information. Not all fields present in this article will be available to update for agencies.

  4. Select Next.

  5. Assign an account owner to the brand.

    • See the Assign an account owner to a brand section below to learn more.

  6. Select Save & Go to Advertiser Listing.


Assign an account owner to a brand

If you want someone on your team to be the primary point of contact for a brand, assign them to be the brand's account owner.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Advertisers.

  2. Under Actions, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]Management Options.

  3. Assign an Account Owner from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select which Financial Setup you want for this brand.

    • See the Financial setup reference below for more information on your options.

  5. Select Save & Go to Advertiser Listing.

    Financial setup reference

    Setup Choice


    Do not set up any financial relationship

    Your agency will not have any financial control over Fees and Partner Payouts for this brand.

    Bill advertiser through

    All of your agency's fees for this brand will appear as Client Costs on the brand's Statement of Invoices (SOI).

    Fund this account through my agency account

    Your agency will be responsible for paying this brand's Fees and Partner Payouts.

Brand relationships

In the case where you have a relationship with a brand that is no longer active, you can remove those relationships from your agency console.

  1. In the left navigation menu, select Advertisers.

  2. Find the brand you no longer have an active relationship with.

  3. In the Actions column, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]Remove Relationship.

  4. The brand will then be removed from the list once you select Yes, I understand from the validation pop-up.


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