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Enable Role-Based Reports for Partner Users

The Account Administrator of an Partner account can enable or disable different reports for users based on their role & permissions. For example, a user with the Advertiser Management role can run Action and Performance Reports, but not Finance reports. If this user ends up needing access to run Finance reports, you could enable just the Finance reports for the user instead of having to enable all finance permissions.

Enable role-based reports for a user

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] Settings.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select user-circle-solid.svg [User Profile] → Settings.

  2. Select Account Users.

  3. On the Account Users screen, under the Active tab, find the user you want to enable (or disable) reports for. To the far right of their name, select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [Menu] → Edit Access Rights.

  4. Select toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] next to a user role to view its individual permissions.

  5. Select the checkbox next to Run {Report name} Reports for the user role, and unselect any permissions you don't want this user to have.

  6. Select Submit.

The user should have access to the new reports immediately. All reports can be found in Reports → All Reports in the top nav bar.

Report types

Run Action and Performance Reports

Part of the Advertiser Management role, this enables access to Performance, Listing, and Advertiser reports.

Run Creative Reports

Part of the Creative Management role, this enables access to Asset reports.

Run Financial Transaction Reports

Part of the Finance role, this enables access to finance reports under the Balance dropdown in the top right corner.

Run Technical Reports

Part of the Technical role, this enables access to any Custom reports that may be available to your account.

Run Usage Reports

Part of the Account Administrator role, this enables access to Admin reports.

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