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Create a Storefront for Your Products

As part of the Products feature set, you can create and share a targeted collection of products with your partners in the form of a storefront. You can schedule customized listings for timed events, create unique product groupings, and customize how your products are displayed. Configuring a storefront allows your partners to quickly and easily find and promote the right products at the right time.

Step 1: Access your storefront

In order to get a storefront for your products, you must first add a product catalog. Once a product catalog is uploaded, a storefront will automatically be created. To access your storefront:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Content → Products → Storefront.

    • Any in stock products in your catalog will be added to an Available Now group.

Step 2: Customize your storefront

You can customize the name, banner image, and product groups displayed on your storefront:

  1. Select pencil-alt-solid__2_.svg [Edit] alongside your storefront name.

  2. To change the name of your storefront, enter a Home Page Name.

  3. To disable your avatar image, toggle-off-solid__1_.svg [Toggle off] Avatar.

  4. To upload a new Cover Photo for your storefront, select Choose File.

    • PNG, JPEG, GIF, and JPG file formats are supported, with a maximum file size of 5.00 MB. Image dimensions must be 1170px wide by 200px high.

  5. Select Save.

Step 3: Edit product groups

You can edit and add individual product groups on your storefront:

  1. Find the product group you want to edit and select pencil-alt-solid__2_.svg [Edit].

    • Alternatively, to add and edit a new group, select Create new group alongside your storefront name.

  2. On the Edit Group screen, adjust the Group Settings and specify by which catalog and product filters this group should be defined.

    • See the Group Settings and Define filters for products references below for more information about these settings.

  3. Select Save to confirm your changes.

Group Settings

Group Name

Change the name of the product group.

Restrict Partner Access

Give selected partners or partner groups access to the product group.


Toggle this product group’s status — Active or Inactive.

Inactive product groups will not be visible to your partners once you share your storefront.

Available Dates

toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] this setting to specify the date period for which this product group should be visible to partners.

Define filters for products

Product Catalog

Select the product catalog from which you want to populate products into this group.

  • Only catalogs that you’ve made available for use can appear in your storefront product groups.

Shopify Collections

If you’ve selected a Shopify Catalog from the Product Catalog drop-down and that catalog has collections, the Shopify Collection filter will provide the collection ID to filter the Storefront Group.

Learn how to add a Shopify Catalog.

Filter Wizard

Use the Filter Wizard’s filtering options to define which products you would like to appear in this group.

Filter Wizard fields explained

Catalog Item Id

Select items by the catalog item Id.


Select items by the name field.


Select items based on text in the description field.


Select items based on the price field.


Select the Sale field to only show items that are on sale.


Determine which items should be displayed, using the gender field.


Select items based on text labels.


Select items created by certain manufacturers.


Select items by category.

Stock Availability

Display items based on available stock.


Select items by color.

Text1, Text 2, Text 3

A custom string that you can specify in your tracking setup.

Numeric 1

A custom numeric value that you can specify in your tracking setup.

Money 1

A custom money value that you can specify in your tracking setup.


Select the Promotion field and is present to only show items that are on promotion, or choose is not present to only show items that are not on promotion.

Parent SKU

Select items that share a particular parent SKU.

You can add multiple options to the Value textbox as a comma-separated list.

Sort Options

You can sort the order in which products appear in this group by the following fields in ascending or descending order:

  • Current Price

  • Discount Percentage

  • Manufacturer

Step 4: Share your storefront and product groups
  1. To share your entire storefront, select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] → Share Store alongside your storefront name.

    • Alternatively, to share a specific product group, scroll to the group card you want to share and select share-solid.svg [Share].

  2. A link will be copied to your clipboard which you can then send to partners in a message or newsletter.

Step 5: Delete and reorder product groups
  1. To delete or reorder product groups, select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] → Manage Groups alongside your storefront name.

    • Reorder: Drag and drop groups to rearrange the display order on your storefront’s home page.

    • Delete: Select trash-alt-solid.svg [Delete]OK on the confirmation screen.

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