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Advertiser Partner Listing for Agencies

The Advertiser Partner Listing report shows all partners signed to each program you manage. Using this report, you can see to which managed program a partner is signed. You can also see when you joined (and left, if applicable) that program, what types of partner (e.g., Direct) are signed to a managed program, and more.

Manage the report

Any report you create here can be scheduled and saved by using the buttons in the top-right corner of the screen.

  1. From the left navigation, select My Reports → Additional → Advertiser Partner Listing.

  2. Below Advertiser Partner Listing, you can filter for the data you want to view. Select search-solid.svg [Search] when you are done filtering the data.

    • View the Filter reference table below for more information on the different filters available.

    • View the Table reference below for more information.

Filter reference




Select which brand(s) (formerly advertisers) you want to include in this report.


Choose which program(s) you want to include in this report.


Pick which partner(s) (formerly media partners) you want to include in this report.

Table reference

Table Column


Campaign ID

The ID for the program (formerly campaign) to which that row's partner is signed.


The name of the program to which that row's partner is signed.

Advertiser ID

The ID for the brand (formerly advertiser) to which that row's partner is partnered with.


The name of the brand to which that row's partner has a contract with.

Partner ID

The ID for that row's partner.


The name of that row's partner.


How the partner joined the program (e.g., via the partner's Brands Marketplace).


A URL supplied by the partner.

Contract Name

The name of the contract that governs the partnership.

Date Added

What date and time the partner signed the contract on that row.

Date Expired

What date and time the contract on that row expired (if it has). This will be empty if the contract has yet to expire.

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