In partner benchmarking, you evaluate your performance as a partner with a brand compared to how productive the rest of the partner segment is with the same brand. This article teaches you how to read the different sections of the Partner Benchmark screen and consequently draw insights on how your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) compare to those of other partners in the same competitive segment.
Access the Partner Benchmark screen
From the top navigation bar, select
Reports → Benchmark.
From the filter bar near the top of your Partner Benchmark screen:
Select the Quarter for which you want to view benchmark data.
Select the Region for which you want to view benchmark data.
Optionally, download the benchmark reports in CSV or PDF format using the
[Download] button in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Your Summary shows you metrics around payouts you've earned and the number of brands with which you are partnered. This can help you identify your main source of earnings and consequently make decisions around making new partnerships.

Metric | Description |
Action earnings | The currency amount of action-based earnings you earned. |
Non-action earnings | The currency amount of earnings you earned that were not based on actions driven. |
Your brands | The number of brands with which you are partnered. |
Your brand segments | The number of brand segments to which your partnered brands belong. |
Brands to join | The number of brands you aren't working with that have commission potential in your partner segment. |
My Performance allows you to compare the payout rankings of your brands with their rankings for other partners in your competitive segment. If your rank for a brand is considerably lower than the segment ranking, this indicates that other partners in your industry are typically getting more out of the brand than you.

Column | Description |
Brand Name | The name of the brand.
Brand Rank for Partner Type | The top brands in your partner segment, ranked by action-based payouts. |
Your Rank | Your ranking of the brand compared to the other brands with which you are partnered. The ranking is based on the brand's payout for actions driven over the selected quarter.
Rank Difference | This indicates the difference between the brand's overall ranking in the partner segment and your ranking of the brand. A large positive number would indicate that you are getting more out of your partnership than most other partners, whereas a large negative number would indicate that you are not getting the most out of this partnership.
Performance by Brand shows you your top-performing brands over the selected quarter, how many actions you've driven for each brand, and what earnings you've accrued in doing so. This can give you insight into your most productive partnerships.

Column | Description |
Brand Name | The name of the brand.
Brand Segment | This is the industry category to which the brand belongs. |
Your Rank | Your ranking of the brand compared to the other brands with which you are partnered. The ranking is based on the brand's payout for actions driven over the selected quarter. |
Partner Segment Rank | The brand's ranking in the partner segment as a whole, based on its payouts for actions. |
Rank Difference | This indicates the difference between the brand's overall ranking in the partner segment and your ranking of the brand. A large positive number would indicate that you are getting more out of your partnership than most other partners, whereas a large negative number would indicate that you are not getting the most out of this partnership.
Clicks | The total number of link clicks that directed your audience to the brand's landing page over the selected quarter. |
Actions | The total number of conversions (sales, app installs, etc.) you drove for the brand over the selected quarter. |
Action Earnings | The total payouts you earned for driving actions for the brand over the selected quarter. |
Non-Action Earnings | The total payouts you received from the brand that did not come from driving actions over the selected quarter. |
Sale Amount | The total currency of brand sales generated by you. |
This section allows you to compare the KPIs in each brand category, including Active and Productive Rates.

Column | Description |
Brand Segment | This is the industry category to which the brand belongs. |
Segment Joined | The number of brands that are joined to the partner segment (in this example, it shows the number of brands in a particular category that are in partnerships with partners in your segment). |
Joined | The number of brands in the partner segment to which you are joined. |
Not Joined | The number of brands in the partner segment to which you are not joined. |

Active Rates by Category compares the percentage of brands in a category for which you generated clicks, compared to the segment. This helps inform your ability to generate clicks per category compared to your competition.
Productive Rates by Category compares the percentage of brands in a category for which you drove conversions, compared to the segment. This helps inform your ability to drive conversions per category compared to your competition.
The Performance Analysis by Brand Category reports show you how your partnered brands have performed in their brand segments over a selected quarter. You can compare the performance of your various brands in terms of Average Order Value (AOV) and Conversion Rate (CR).
Compare the average order value (AOV) generated by your audience with that of other partners in your partner segment over the selected quarter. View how these values differ across brand categories, how the types of products you promote influence your metrics, and how the size of the orders you generate per category compares to that of your competitors.

Column | Description |
Brand Segment | The name of the segment that is under consideration. |
Your AOV | The average order value generated from your audience. This is calculated as revenue generated divided by the number of conversions (also known as actions):
Partner Segment AOV | The average order value of other partners in your partner segment. |
AOV Index | An index above 120 indicates over-indexing on AOV. This may be the case when a program sells more expensive items than the segment. An index less than 80 is under-indexing on AOV. This may be the case when a program sells less expensive items than the segment:
Your CR | Your conversion rate represents the percentage of link clicks you generate that result in conversions (aka actions). This is calculated as the number of conversions driven divided by the number of unique clicks:
Partner Segment CR | The partner segment conversion rate represents the average percentage of link clicks that result in conversions (aka actions) for other partners in your segment. This is calculated as the segment's number of conversions driven divided by the number of unique clicks:
CR Index | An index over 120 indicates that you are better at converting clicks into sales for this brand segment than your competition. An index less than 80 indicates the opposite:
Your EPA | Your earnings per action represents the average monetary value you've earned from driving conversions in the brand segment. |
Partner Segment EPA | Partner segment earnings per action represents the average monetary value earned by all partners with the same business model as you from driving conversions in the brand segment. |
EPA Index | An index above 120 indicates over indexing on EPA. This could be influenced by a program selling more expensive items than the brand segment or higher commission rates. An index less than 80 is under-indexing on EPA:
Your Commission Rate | Your commission rate represents the percentage of the value of sales that you've earned for driving conversions in the brand segment. |
Partner Segment Commission Rate | Partner segment commission rate represents the percentage of the value of sales earned by all partners with the same business model as you for driving conversions in the brand segment. |
Commission Rate Index | An index above 120 indicates you may be being paid a higher commission rate for this brand segment vs. your peers. An index less than 80 indicates the opposite:
Qualification criteria for recommendations: For a partner to receive brand recommendations, they need to have at least 10 or more existing partnerships in the brand segment.
The Brand Opportunities and Recommendations section of the Partner Benchmark screen lists brands that are highly ranked in terms of payouts and widely used by partners similar to you. These are brands that you either aren't partnered with or that you don't utilize to maximum potential.
This table shows you potential commission earnings from brands with which you are already partnered. These brands are highly ranked in terms of payouts and widely used by partners similar to you, but you are not currently utilizing them to their full potential. Consider how you can optimize your partnerships with these brands.
See the Recommendations table reference below for more information on the table columns.

This table shows you potential commission earnings from brands you currently do not work with. These brands are highly ranked in terms of payouts and widely used by partners similar to you, but you are not partnered with them. Consider applying to their program.
See the Recommendations table reference below for more information on the table columns.

Column | Description |
Brand Name | The name of the brand.
Brand Segment | This is the industry category to which the brand belongs. |
Star Rating |'s star rating system for brands is a 0-5 score that estimates the revenue potential of a brand. |
EPC | Earnings per Click. This is calculated as the total payout earned from generated clicks divided by the number of unique clicks:
Commission Potential | The amount of additional commission you could generate per quarter if you partner with this brand or optimize your partnership with the brand. |