A violation occurs when a partner violates your established monitoring policies, like promoting an expired code, bidding on unauthorized branded keywords or trademarks, or placing an ad that could harm your brand’s reputation. You can notify the partner in impact.com to remove a specific listing when a violation occurs.
Access and view all violations
After you’ve logged a violation, you can add and respond to comments, add more attachments, or change the status of the violation.
From the left navigation bar, select [Protect] → Violations.
The Violations screen shows an aggregated list of all violation types. Refer to the Violations filter reference table below if you want to use filters to search for specific violations.
The unique ad ID.
Reported on
The specific date when the violation was reported.
The name of the policy that triggered this violation.
The URL hosting the ad.
The specific partner involved in the violation.
Keywords / Promo code
The keyword or promo code that triggered the violation.
The specific reason why the violation got flagged according to the Brand policy.
The current status of the violation.
Learn how to change a violation's status.
The severity of the violation.
Hover over a specific violation and select Edit.
Each violation is divided into ad details and Violation Information. Refer to the Violation information reference table below for more information.
The current status of the violation.
The error that caused a violation.
Error reason
The error reason logged with the violation.
The severity level of the violation — consider resolving more severe violations rapidly.
Due date
The date by which the partner must resolve the violation.
If relevant, select Choose File (or drag & drop) to add files relevant/related to the violation (e.g., a screenshot of the violation itself).
Use the text field to add comments about a violation. Partners will be notified of any public comments as soon as you save the comment.
Public: all parties (i.e., the partner, you, and other account members) will be able to see it.
Private: only you and your other account members (not the partner) can see it.
You can apply certain filters, e.g., all violations with an In Progress status, and save that view to easily access these specific violations.
From the Violations screen, apply the filters you want to save.
Above the filters, select Save.
Name the new Violations report view and Save.
Set your new custom view as the default view for other account users by selecting [Checkbox] Make this view available to other users.
You can change a violation’s status based on any related updates. For example, you can change the violation’s status from New to In Progress.
Once the violation’s status is updated and saved, an email and platform notification will be sent to the partner informing them of the updated status.
From the left navigation bar, select [Protect] → Violations.
On the Violations screen, find the violation that you want to update and select Edit.
Next to Violation Information, find the Status drop-down menu and select the applicable status.
Select Save Violation.