HAR (HTTP Archive Format, .har
) is an archive file format with JSON data that stores session data over many browser types (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.). The HAR file saves the information of all web requests made with the browser.
The HAR file allows impact.com solution engineers to investigate whether the tracking tag on your webpage is firing correctly in your browser during the conversion path.
Select which browser you use to see instructions on generating a HAR file.
Open Chrome and navigate to your checkout page.
Open the developer tool (inspect element).
Developer tool shortcut for Windows: Ctrl + Shift + i
Developer tool shortcut for MacOS: Cmd + Option + i
Select the Network tab.
Select the Record network log button at the top-left of the developer tool if the button is grey.
If the button is red, this means that network activity is already being recorded and you can proceed to the next step.
Be sure to check the box next to Preserve log.
Select [Clear] to delete any log records kept in the browser.
Place the order so the thank you page loads, while the network requests are being recorded.
Right-click any activity that was recorded in the network traffic and select Save all as HAR with content to save the file to your computer.
Open Firefox and navigate to your checkout page.
Open the developer tool (inspect element).
Developer tool shortcut for Windows: Ctrl + Shift + i
Developer tool shortcut for MacOS: Cmd + Option + i
Select the Network tab.
Select [Delete] to delete any log records kept in the browser.
Place the order so the thank you page loads, while the network requests are being recorded.
Right-click any activity that was recorded in the network traffic and select Save All As HAR to save the file to your computer.
Open Safari and navigate to your checkout page.
Press Option + Command + i as a shortcut to open developer tools for the page.
You will need to enable developer tools to make use of this feature. Navigate to Preferences → Advanced → Show develop .
Select the Network tab.
Make sure the Preserve Log upon Navigation button is on and then select the Clear button.
Place the order so the thank you page loads, while the network requests are being recorded.
Right-click any activity that was recorded in the network traffic and select Export as HAR File to save the file to your computer.