When you transition from your referral platform to impact.com's Advocate offering, you get access to an expert team dedicated to setting you up efficiently and successfully. If you're looking to learn more about what it would look like to move your program over to impact.com, email [email protected]
for a no-strings-attached demo.
impact.com typically recommends notifying your partners about the transition as soon as possible. It's also recommended to have some overlap between closing down your old program and running the advocate program.
Once the impact.com team gets the green light to begin migration, we'll help you import your user, reward, and referral data history from your previous platform. You'll be able to map fields from your referral program to impact.com.
User data: This includes email addresses, referral codes, sharelinks, and more. You can also add custom fields.
See the full list of user data fields below.
Referral data: This includes referral start dates, converted dates, and more. You can also add custom fields.
See the full list of referral data fields below.
Reward data: This includes reward values, dates given and redeemed, redeemed amounts, and more. You can also add custom fields.
See the full list of reward data fields below.
Export your program's user data, referral data, and reward data. Either contact your CSM on your old referral platform for assistance, or use an in-platform export tool if one is provided.
Download each of the 3 data reports in a separate CSV file, e.g.,
, andreward_data.CSV
.See the examples below for what each .csv file's contents could look like, or see the full Destination field reference.
id,accountId,email,firstName,lastName,imageUrl,dateCreated,dateBlocked,dateUsTaxFormSubmitted,locale,countryCode,segments,customFields.purchases,programShareLinks.obj-referral,referralCodes.obj-referral User 1,User 1,[email protected],User 1,User 1,,1725403259029,,1725472637704,en_US,US,"vip,newuser",3,https://share.squatchtesting.com/mzbnr7n,USER1USER1 User 2,User 2,[email protected],User 2,User 2,,1725403279400,1725403280000,,en_US,US,vip,1,https://share.squatchtesting.com/mzbnr7q,USER2USER2 User 3,User 3,[email protected],User 3,User 3,,1725403313992,,,en_US,US,,3,https://share.squatchtesting.com/mzbnr7t,USER3USER3 User 4,User 4,[email protected],User 4,User 4,,1725403332504,,,en_US,US,newuser,1,https://share.squatchtesting.com/mzbnr7w,USER4USER4"User ID","Account ID","Email","First Name","Last Name","Image URL","First Seen IP","Last Seen IP","Date Created - YYYY-MM-DD","Email Hash","Referral Source","Locale","Country Code","shareLink","facebookShareLink","twitterShareLink","emailShareLink","linkedinShareLink","cleanShareLink","customFields.{fieldName}" 12345,54321,[email protected],Noah,Lott,https://site/gallery/5555,,192.168. 1.1,4/11/2024,8743b52063cd84097a65d1633f5c74f5,,en_US,+1,share.yourdomain.com/mzw&lkO,,,,,share.yourdomain.com/INFLUENCER10,customFields.{exampleField} customFields.{exampleField}"
dateReferralStarted,dateConverted,referralCodeUsed,programId,referredUser,referredAccount,referrerUser,referrerAccount 1725473074358,1725473080639,USER15EXAMPLECO,obj-referral,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected] 1725472609217,1725473059252,USER15EXAMPLECO,obj-referral,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected] 1725472793509,1725472806270,USER1USER1,obj-referral,[email protected],[email protected],User 1,User 1 1725472775706,1725472781366,USER1USER1,obj-referral,[email protected],[email protected],User 1,User 1
type,value,usdValue,unit,name,description,dateCreated,dateScheduledFor,dateGiven,dateExpires,dateCancelled,dateRedeemed,dateModified,dateCancelledForProgramGraphModeration,dateCancelledForSuspectedFraud,datePendingForUsTax,datePendingForMissingPayoutConfiguration,datePendingForUnhandledError,datePendingForSuspectedFraud,rewardSource,fuelTankType,fuelTankCode,programId,programRewardKey,globalRewardKey,assignedCredit,redeemedCredit,integrationServiceId,integrationServiceData,meta.status,meta.message,meta.internalMessage,meta.integrationService,meta.dateModified,meta.customMeta,user.id,user.accountId,referral.referredUser.id,referral.referredUser.accountId CREDIT,100,,POINT,Credit - Points,,1726164909682,,1726164909682,,,,1726164920538,,,,,,,MANUAL,,,,,Credit---Points,100,50,,,SUCCESS,customer facing note,internal note test,,1726164920538,,[email protected],[email protected],, CREDIT,100,,POINT,Credit - Points,,1726164887075,,1726164887075,,,1726164901001,1726164901180,,,,,,,MANUAL,,,,,Credit---Points,100,100,,,SUCCESS,customer facing note,internal note test,,1726164901180,,[email protected],[email protected],, CREDIT,100,,POINT,Credit - Points,,1726164875888,,1726164875888,,1726164880107,,1726164880108,,,,,,,MANUAL,,,,,Credit---Points,100,0,,,,,,,,,[email protected],[email protected],, CREDIT,10,,POINT,Credit - Points,,1726164828986,,1726164828986,1726164829985,,,1726164869004,,,,,,,MANUAL,,,,,Credit---Points,10,0,,,,,,,,,[email protected],[email protected],, INTEGRATION,30000,30000,USD,Virtual Promotional Visa Prepaid Card,,1726164289997,,1726164289997,,,,1726164289997,,,,,,,FRIEND_SIGNUP,,,obj-refereral-program,Paid-Subscriber_Default-Action-Name_63820653-ff48-4630-8c87-6188f3b7e25e_reward,300---gift-card,,,RA240912-128826-41,"{""referenceOrderID"":""RA240912-128826-41"",""externalRefID"":""ssqt-66e32d42ca6818259260c7e1"",""customerIdentifier"":""referralsaasquatch"",""accountIdentifier"":""referralsaasquatch"",""accountNumber"":""u3ep8xOjJJ"",""amountCharged"":{""value"":300.0,""currencyCode"":""USD"",""total"":300.0},""denomination"":{""value"":300.0,""currencyCode"":""USD""},""utid"":""U903078"",""rewardName"":""Virtual Promotional Visa Prepaid Card"",""sender"":{""firstName"":"""",""lastName"":"""",""email"":""""},""recipient"":{""email"":""[email protected]"",""firstName"":""8"",""lastName"":""8"",""address"":null},""sendEmail"":true,""etid"":""E000000"",""status"":""COMPLETE"",""orderStatus"":""COMPLETE"",""lineItemStatus"":""COMPLETE"",""createdAt"":""2024-09-12T18:04:50.108Z"",""reward"":{""credentials"":{""Code"":""336542365087""},""credentialList"":[{""label"":""Code"",""value"":""336542365087"",""type"":""text"",""credentialType"":""cardCode""}],""redemptionInstructions"":""<ol>\n<li>Go to <a href=\""https://myprepaidcenter.com/redeem\"">MyPrepaidCenter.com/redeem</a> and enter code</li>\n<li>Complete the online registration page and accept the cardholder agreement and e-sign agreement, then you will be able to view your 16-digit card number, expiration date, security information, where your card can be used, available balance, transaction history, etc.</li>\n</ol>\n<p>Plastic card available upon request. Requesting a plastic card will reduce the card’s value by $3.00 for manufacturing and fulfillment cost, and can take 7-14 business days. </p>\n<p>Recipient can request a plastic card once they have completed the card registration and activation at <a href=\""https://myprepaidcenter.com/home\"">MyPrepaidCenter.com</a></p>""}}",,,,,,,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected] INTEGRATION,10000,10000,USD,Virtual Promotional Visa Prepaid Card,,1726163864871,,1726163864871,,,,1726163866503,,,,,,,MANUAL,,,,,Gift-card---100,,,RA240912-128826-28,"{""referenceOrderID"":""RA240912-128826-28"",""externalRefID"":""ssqt-66e32b98ca6818259260ac45"",""customerIdentifier"":""referralsaasquatch"",""accountIdentifier"":""referralsaasquatch"",""accountNumber"":""u3ep8xOjJJ"",""amountCharged"":{""value"":100.0,""currencyCode"":""USD"",""total"":100.0},""denomination"":{""value"":100.0,""currencyCode"":""USD""},""utid"":""U903078"",""rewardName"":""Virtual Promotional Visa Prepaid Card"",""sender"":{""firstName"":"""",""lastName"":"""",""email"":""""},""recipient"":{""email"":""[email protected]"",""firstName"":""Migration"",""lastName"":""Microsite"",""address"":null},""sendEmail"":true,""etid"":""E000000"",""status"":""COMPLETE"",""orderStatus"":""COMPLETE"",""lineItemStatus"":""COMPLETE"",""createdAt"":""2024-09-12T17:57:44.999Z"",""reward"":{""credentials"":{""Code"":""311420951899""},""credentialList"":[{""label"":""Code"",""value"":""311420951899"",""type"":""text"",""credentialType"":""cardCode""}],""redemptionInstructions"":""<ol>\n<li>Go to <a href=\""https://myprepaidcenter.com/redeem\"">MyPrepaidCenter.com/redeem</a> and enter code</li>\n<li>Complete the online registration page and accept the cardholder agreement and e-sign agreement, then you will be able to view your 16-digit card number, expiration date, security information, where your card can be used, available balance, transaction history, etc.</li>\n</ol>\n<p>Plastic card available upon request. Requesting a plastic card will reduce the card’s value by $3.00 for manufacturing and fulfillment cost, and can take 7-14 business days. </p>\n<p>Recipient can request a plastic card once they have completed the card registration and activation at <a href=\""https://myprepaidcenter.com/home\"">MyPrepaidCenter.com</a></p>""}}",SUCCESS,,,,1726163866503,,[email protected],[email protected],, FUELTANK,20,,%,Fuel Tank Code,,1726095906392,,1726163099976,,,,1726162499489,,,,,1726162499489,,MANUAL,PCT_DISCOUNT,CODE12345,,,Fueltank---Discount,,,,,,,,,,,[email protected],[email protected],, CREDIT,800,,POINT,,,1726162410083,,1726162410083,,,,1726162410086,,,,,,,MANUAL,,,,,,800,0,,,,,,,,,[email protected],[email protected],, INTEGRATION,30000,,USD,Virtual Promotional Visa Prepaid Card,,1726163769157,,,,,,1726163769163,,,1726163769163,,,,MANUAL,,,,,300---gift-card,,,,"{""utid"":""U426141""}",,,,,,,[email protected],[email protected],, FUELTANK,8000,,USD,Fuel Tank Code,,1726180309034,,,,,,1726180309059,,,,,1726180309059,,MANUAL,CREDIT,,,,Fuel-Tank---Credit---USD,,,,,,,,,,,[email protected],[email protected],, PCT_DISCOUNT,20,,%,20 Off,,1726095906392,,1726163099976,,,,1726162499489,,,,,,,MANUAL,,,,,20-Off,,,,,,,,,,,[email protected],[email protected],,
Column | Required | Description |
User ID | The participant's identifier. | |
Account ID | The participant's account identifier. | |
The participant's email address. | ||
First Name | The participant's first name. | |
Last Name | The participant's last name. | |
Referral Code | The participant's primary program referral code (if specified). | |
Image URL | The participant's image URL. | |
Date Created | The date this participant participant was created, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch . | |
Locale | The participant's geographical location. | |
Country Code | The participant's country code. | |
Share Links | The participant's primary program (if specified) share link. | |
Custom Field | The participant's custom fields. |
Column | Required | Description |
Referred User ID | The referred friend's external user id. | |
Referred Account ID | The referred friend's external account id. | |
Customer Advocate User ID | The customer advocate's external user id. | |
Customer Advocate Account ID | The customer advocate's external account id. | |
Referral Start Date | The date the referral was created, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch . | |
Referral Converted Date | The date the first goal was achieved, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch . | |
Custom Field | The customer advocate's custom fields. |
Column | Required | Description |
User ID | The participant's identifier. | |
Account ID | The participant's account identifier. | |
This is a unit of your reward (e.g., POINT or CASH), and can include alphanumeric characters in any casing as well as underscores. | ||
This is the numeric value of the reward in its smallest measurement unit, e.g., for a cash reward of $1.00, the value would be 100 (cents). This field must be in 1 of the following formats:
This field cannot:
| ||
Reward Name | The name you assigned to the reward when creating it in your program. | |
Date Created | The date the reward was earned, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch . | |
Date Given | The date the reward was given, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch . (This value can differ from Date Created if the reward was pending). | |
Date Scheduled For | The date the reward was scheduled to be given to the user, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch . | |
Date Expires | The date after which the reward can no longer be redeemed, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch . | |
Date Cancelled | The date you cancelled the reward, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch . | |
Date Redeemed | The date the full reward was redeemed by the user, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch . | |
Redeemed Amount | The Value of the portion of the reward that was redeemed. | |
Referred User ID | The user identifier of the referred friend. | |
Referred Account ID | The identifier of the referred friend's account. | |
Custom Field | The customer advocate's custom fields. |
You can get 3 types of validation errors:
Inline error message: these appear in the preview validation table and cause error rows to be highlighted in red:
— e.g., the Date Created field wasn't formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch .MISSING_FIELD
— e.g., a required field such as User ID or Account ID is missing.
Error callout: these appear in place of the preview validation table as red warning messages:
— e.g., a required column header such as Account ID or Reward Value is missing.CSV_PARSING
— e.g., the CSV file contains special characters that are improperly formatted.FILE_REF_IO
— e.g., the file is corrupted and can't be read.
Listed errors: these appear as a list of error counts on the Imports & Exports screen when the import type doesn't have a preview validation table. Row errors and file errors will display together: