A promo code, similar to a coupon code, is a unique value string that customers can enter into a field at checkout in order to receive a discount. However, unlike coupon codes, with impact.com's Tracking Promo Codes, you can add crediting logic that attributes the sale or conversion to a specific partner or media source. This gives customers incentive to buy from your brand and strengthens your relationships with partners.
From the left navigation menu, select
[Engage] → Content → Promo Codes.
In the upper-right, select Create Promo Code → Tracking.
Fill in the relevant fields.
Refer to the Settings reference table below for help with creating a promo code.
Select the partner or media source (learn more about media sources, aka Networks) to assign this promo code. The selected partner is the only partner that can receive credit for this code. All other partner sales using this code will be considered an invalid conversion.
Promo Code
Enter your unique alphanumeric promo code (case sensitive for Regex codes).
Credit Policy
Control when a partner or media source gets credit for a conversion when the promo code is used:
Always credit — promo code always gets credit
Credit If involved — promo code only gets credit if the partner drove clicks
Credit If winner — promo code only gets credit if the partner drove the winning click
Match Type
Exact — the promo code must exactly match in order for the partner to receive credit.
Regular Expression (Advanced) [Regex] — regular expression is used for matching the promo code used.
See Regex Explained for more information on how to use regex to match your promo codes.
Deal (Optional)
If the promo code is associated with a previously created Deal, use the
[Drop-down menu] to select the deal.
Send comments or instructions to a partner regarding promo code.
Email Address
Leave blank if sending promo code to the default partner email address.
Schedule Dates
[Toggle on] Set start and end date for this restriction, then select when this promo code will be activated and valid till.
Select Save when you're done.