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Manage Newsletters as a Brand

You can manage your created Newsletters, review the performance of your sent Newsletters, and see any issues related to Newsletters that failed to be sent.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Partners AutomationNewsletters.

  2. Select dontuse.svg [Columns] on the right of the screen to add or remove columns from the table.

    • See the Columns reference below for more information about the columns in the table.

    Columns reference



    Newsletter Name

    The title of your newsletter. Name the newsletter something that sets it apart from other newsletters. i.e., ACME Anvils Halloween.

    Subject Line

    The subject of your newsletter.


    The date and time the newsletter was created.


    The set rules that create a list of intended newsletter recipients.


    The number of newsletters that the system has worked through from this batch.


    The number of times you've sent the newsletter


    The number of newsletters that were opened by recipients.


    The number of times the newsletter had a recipient click on an element in the newsletter.


    The number of times the newsletter failed to reach the recipient. For example, if the recipient has unsubscribed to the newsletter.


    The number of times the newsletter failed to send to the recipient.

    Partners Reached

    The number of partners the newsletter reached.


    The status of the newsletter:

    • Sent - The newsletter has been sent to recipients.

    • Draft - The newsletter has been created, but not yet sent.

    • Scheduled - The newsletter has been set to be sent at a future date or time.

    • Running - Newsletters in the process of sending. Newsletters will remain in this state until they get delivered or if an error occurs.

    • Failed to send - An error occurred and the newsletter was not delivered to the recipient. View the issues log for more information.

  3. Hover over each newsletter to perform various actions.

    • You can perform various actions based on each newsletter status. Refer to the Newsletter status reference below.

    Newsletter status reference




    • Select View Report to view statistics on your sent newsletter.

    • Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to, Send Test Email, view an Issues Log, Duplicate , or Delete the newsletter.


    • Select Edit to make changes to newsletters in the Draft status.

    • From the ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] menu you can Send Test Email, Send Newsletter, Schedule, Duplicate , or Delete it.


    • Select Edit to make changes to newsletters in the Scheduled status.

    • From the ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] menu you can Move to Draft, Send Test Email, Send Newsletter, Duplicate , or Delete it.

    Failed to send

    • Select View Report to view statistics on your failed newsletter.

    • Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to view an Issues Log, Send Test Email, Duplicate, or Delete the newsletter.


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