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Request a Coupon Asset as a Partner

One type of asset you can use to drive traffic to brands is a Coupon. Brands can supply you with a coupon code to share with your audience, giving them incentive to buy goods from the brand and earning you commissions on conversions.

Request a new Coupon Ad

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Content → Requests.

  2. In the top-right corner, select Request angle-down-solid.svgCoupon.

  3. Fill out the form. Coupon asset form reference

    Coupon asset form reference

    Form Field


    Additional Instructions

    Include any additional comments for that brand to consider when they review the request.


    Select the brand to which this request will be sent from the drop-down menu.


    Optionally, select the deal to which this asset will be associated.


    Select in what language you want the asset to be.

    Date Needed

    Select the date by which you want the asset.

    ~Exclusive Ad

    Decide whether you want the asset to be exclusively for your use.

    Optional Example

    Add an example of what you might want the asset to look like or the copy that could be used in it.

  4. Select Submit.


Review your Coupon request status

After you submit your request, you can check on its status.

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Content → Requests.

  2. Select the Brand filter, then select the brand to which you sent the request.

  3. Select the Request Type drop-down menu, then select Asset.

  4. Select search-solid.svg [Search].

  5. To view the details of your request, under Actions, select View.

    • From here, you can see any comments the brand made while processing and finalizing the request.


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