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Review Extended Search Results

When you find a potential partner from the extended search results, you can review their profile before adding them as a prospect.


To prevent overwhelming results, searches are automatically paused if there are 100 unreviewed search results. With the goal of preventing ineffective searches, searches are also paused when they return less than 5 results.

  1. Navigate to the search results screen, either from the Results or My Searches option.

  2. Select a partner from the search results.

  3. From the slide out, you can view a partner's brief description, business model, properties, insights, and contact information.

    Tab descriptions


    The Properties tab shows an overview of the partner's different social pages or websites.


    The Insights tab shows data about their various media properties. For websites, this includes their monthly visitors (and the percentage they are increasing or decreasing), web rank, spam score, visitors by country, and more. For social media profiles, this can include their amount of followers, engagement rate, date they last posted, and verification status.


    The Details tab shows categories, related links, promotional areas, and their finance details.


    The Contacts tab shows the partner’s provided address, and their contacts.

  4. Optionally, add the partner to your prospects or mark them as not interested.

    • You can also hover on a partner to add them to your prospects or mark them as not interested without reviewing them.


Unreviewed results have a blue dot next to the partner logo. This blue dot will disappear once you've selected to view the partner slideout.

Add partners to prospects in bulk

You can use the [Checkbox] when hovering over a partner to add more than one to your prospects or mark them as not interested.

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