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View & Filter Extended Search Results

You can view and filter search results through your specific extended searches or the main results screen.

The Results screen aggregates all the results from your created extended searches. Here, you can search, filter, and review the search results.

Note: To prevent overwhelming results, searches are automatically paused if there are 100 unreviewed search results. To prevent ineffective searches, searches are also paused when they return less than 5 results.

  1. From the left navigation panel, select discover-icon__vf08ef31.svg [Discover]Extended SearchResults.

    • Alternatively, select My Searches and select your extended search name.

  2. Use the filter panel to filter specific search results. Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to add additional filters. Refer to the Filter descriptions table for more information.

    Filter descriptions



    Name, media properties

    Filter the extended searches by name or media properties.

    Added Date

    The date on which the extended search result got added.

    Contract state

    Select to filter via the status that the contract is currently in (e.g. awaiting approval, declined, joined, etc.).


    Select the specific network filter you'd like to filter results for:



    Marketplace results

    Shows partners that have been marketplace-approved and are in-network partners.

    Extended results

    Shows partners that are outside of the marketplace or network.


    Display search results according to the following results:

    • New partners

    • Viewed partners

    • Partners added to prospects

    • Partners you're not interested in

    My Searches

    Filter according to a specific search you created. All your created extended searches will appear in the dropdown.

    Note: This filter is only available if you are reviewing results from the Results screen.

    Business Models

    Filter by business model.

    Partner Sizes

    Filter by specific partner size.


    Select the specific channel(s) a partner uses to promote content. E.g., Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or podcasts.

    Promotional Areas

    Select the areas in which the partner promotes.


    Filter by the country in which the partner is located.

    Promotional Areas

    Select the partner's audience location.

Sort extended search results

You can use the following icons above the extended search results table to sort results, add more column headings, or alter your viewing options.

long-arrow-alt-up-solid.svg [Up arrow]

Sort extended search results according to:

  • Relevance

  • Name: A - Z

  • Added Date

columns-solid__1_.svg [Columns]

Add or remove column headers.

th-solid.svg [Grid view] / bars-solid.svg [List view]

Alter between viewing extended search results as a grid or as a list.

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