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Program Analytics Page Explained for Advocate

You can view data to determine the health and success of your various programs through our Analytics offering. Furthermore, you can view program-specific analytics as well as aggregate analytics for all your referral programs.

This article explains the Program Analytics page available under Reporting → Program Analytics. If you’re looking for information about high-level Advocate analytics, refer to Reporting Overview Page Explained for Advocate.

Note: Recent data changes won't appear immediately. There may be a 5-minute delay for metrics on this page.

Referral Statistics

The Referral Statistics section provides insights into the referral journey for both your customer advocates and the friends they’ve referred.

Advocate-specific referral statistics

The advocate journey, or funnel, follows how a referral gets started by an existing customer advocate. These metrics include:

  • Unique Visitors - How many people were exposed to your referral program through the Referral Widget in your platform.

  • Active Referrers - How many of those people shared their referral.

  • Successful Referrers - How many were successful at getting a referred friend to complete their end of the referral process.


What does this data tell me? The Unique Visitors information provides a look at how many people were exposed to your referral program through the Referral Widget in your platform. This information can help identify where to increase the visibility of your referral program in your product. Increasing the visibility of your referral program in your product can expose the offer to more of your existing customers, leading to more referrals being shared out.

Secondly, the advocate journey provides valuable information about the filtering between each of the advocate’s steps in the referral flow. Varying success in each of the stages of the funnel can help you understand which are doing well, and which you would like to focus on for improvement. What you might find is that your referral program is seeing lots of exposure (Unique Visitors), and many people are sharing the referral offer with their friends (Active Referrers), but you would like to increase the number of people who are successful at enticing a referred friend to convert (Successful Referrers).

Referred friend-specific referral statistics

The referred friend’s journey, or funnel, is the second half of the complete referral cycle and follows the stages of someone who was referred to your product. These metrics include:

  • Referred Visitors - People who clicked on a share link.

  • Referred Users - Unique referred friends who have started the referral process, such as clicking on an advocate’s share link and signing up for your program

  • Referred Conversions - Referred friends who ended up paying for your product.


What does this data tell me? The first key piece of information is the number of Referred Visitors, or how many people clicked on a referral link and were redirected to your product.

The second important value to look at is the Conversion Rate percentage at the top of this section of the funnel. This value represents what percentage of people made if from clicking a referral link, all the way through to meeting your program's goalpost (e.g. paying for your product).

These two metrics together provide a good look at the health of your referral program.

With so many differences between businesses, there is no one value for the Conversion Rate which indicates a healthy referral program. The most pragmatic approach to utilizing the numbers from your Conversion Rate is to look at how it changes over time. As you continue to run your referral program you should expect advocates to bring in higher quality leads. These referred friends will in turn begin to make their own referrals. Both of these activities will compound over time and increase that Conversion Rate as you continue to run your referral program.

Very low or very high conversion rates may indicate a reward that is not well positioned, and either not compelling or too compelling to prospective customers, or other issues with the path to goalpost/purchase for incoming customers.

If you are finding that your Conversion Rate is very good, but you would like to increase the overall number of conversions you are seeing, then it may be a case of simply needing to entice more customer advocates to share the referral offer among their friends. This will drive traffic (Referred Visitors).

Additional Sections

The Program Analytics page provides a range of additional information about each section of the referral journey outlined above. Each of these additional sections is filtered by the highlighted referral journey step.

e.g. When the Referred Visitors Funnel step is selected in the Program Overview section, the Engagement Medium graph is showing what Engagement Medium users who referred these Referred Visitors used to access the referral program.

The timeline metric displays the events from the selected stage in the referral funnel (e.g. Referred Conversions) at the point in the selected timeline (e.g. last 30 days) when they occurred.

The 'New Users' vs. 'Returning Users' segmentation refers to whether or not the user connected with the event (e.g. the Successful Referrers, or the Referred Conversions) was registered within the timeframe being viewed (e.g. last 30 days). 'New Users' refers to them having been registered within that time window, and 'Returning Users' refers to those registered before that window.

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