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Benchmark Partner Analysis

The Benchmark Partner Analysis report shows you how your partners have performed in terms of clicks, actions, revenue, and payout over the selected quarter and rank them according to how they’ve performed for your program vs your peers. The report also shows you gaps and opportunities in your program where growth is available and where you may have over- or under-indexed in different performance metrics.

Access the benchmark partner analysis

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select insights-icon__v91f7cab.svg [Competitive Insights]Benchmark → Partner Analysis.

  2. From the filter bar near the top of your Benchmark Partner Analysis screen:

    • Select the Quarter for which you want to view benchmarking data.

    • Select the Region for which you want to view benchmark data.

      • Brand Benchmarking is currently available for North America, Europe, and Oceania.

    • Select the industry Category for which you want to view benchmark data.

      • Brand Benchmarking is currently available to Retail, Travel, and Education-related programs.

    • The filter options visible to you are those relevant to your program(s).

  3. Optionally, you can email, schedule, or download the analysis using the buttons at the top-right of the report.

Partner Analysis Report reference




The name of the partner.


The number of clicks that a partner drove for the chosen quarter.


The number of actions that a partner drove for the chosen quarter.


How much revenue a partner drove for the chosen quarter.


How much was paid out to the partner for the chosen quarter.

Program Rank

Where the partner ranks in revenue generated for your program compared to other partners.

Segment Rank

Where the partner ranks in revenue generated for you versus all the brands in the segment that work with that partner.

Example: A rank of 3 would indicate that there are two other brands that drive more revenue with this partner than you.

Segment Ranking of Top Revenue Contributing Partners

This data will provide insights into partners’ clicks, actions, and revenue for the quarter, along with revenue opportunities. You can explore `new revenue growth opportunities by looking at top revenue contributing partners of the segment and determine if you can cross-recruit those top performers.


Note: Benchmarking uses gross numbers for analysis (before modifications and reversals). Therefore numbers might differ from what you see in performance reports.

Gap / Opportunities

This section ranks partners based on revenue, clicks, and actions for your program and includes cases where there are significant differences between ranks for your program and the segment (especially if the partner has a much lower rank in the segment). The data will showcase any significant differences in partners’ rankings in your program compared to the segment in terms of revenue, actions, and clicks. Compare your top revenue contributing partners to the segment to find significantly under-indexed partners or potential recruiting and growth opportunities.

Gap / Opportunities Column reference



Segment Rank

Where the partner ranks in revenue generated for you versus all the brands in the segment that work with that partner.

Example: A rank of 3 would indicate that there are two other brands that drive more revenue with this partner than you.

Program Rank

Where the partner ranks in revenue generated for your program compared to other partners.

Difference in Rank

Indicates differences between rank between your program and the segment.

Program Revenue

The total revenue of all actions (including reversals) driven by the partner.

Program Actions

The total number of actions (including reversals) driven by the partner.

Program Clicks

The total number of clicks (including reversals) driven by the partner.

This table data will showcase any significant differences in partners’ rankings in your program compared to the segment in terms of revenue. This table’s default ranking is by Segment Rank.


Performance & Potential Analysis uses an index to classify where each partner in your program performs versus all the other programs in the segment. This table summarizes a comparison of key metrics of your program vs the segment. This table offers a combined analysis to see if you are over-indexing or under-indexing compared to the segment and allows you to assess the health of the program.



CPC Index

The CPC Index is the Cost per Click value for your program divided by the same value for the segment.

  • An index above 120 indicates over-indexing on CPC.

  • An index less than 80 is under-indexing on CPC.

CPA Index

The CPA Index is the Cost per Action value for your program divided by the same value for the segment.

  • An index above 120 indicates over-indexing on CPA.

  • An index less than 80 is under-indexing on CPA.

AOV Index

The AOV Index is the Average Order Value value for your program divided by the same value for the segment.

  • An index above 120 indicates over-indexing on AOV.

    • This may be the case when your program sells more expensive items than the segment.

  • An index less than 80 is under-indexing on AOV.

CR Index

The CR Index is the Conversion Rate value for your program divided by the same value for the segment.

  • An index above 120 indicates over-indexing on CR.

    • This could happen when your partners are better at converting clicks for your program than your peers.

  • An index less than 80 is under-indexing on CR.

ROAS Index

The ROAS Index is the Return on Ad Spend value for your program divided by the same value for the segment.

  • An index above 120 indicates over-indexing on ROAS.

  • An index less than 80 is under-indexing on ROAS.

Commissioning Rate Index

The Commissioning Rate Index is the Commissioning Rate value for your program divided by the same value for the segment.

  • An index above 120 indicates over-indexing on Commissioning Rate.

    Partners are receiving more payout per click from you than your competitors.

  • An index less than 80 is under-indexing on Commissioning Rate.

Revenue Contribution

The partner’s revenue contribution to your program, expressed as a percentage.


Note: requires a minimum number of data points for the purposes of computing statistics. Any case where this minimum is not met is marked as Insufficient Data.

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