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Benchmark Recommendations

Recommendations qualification criteria: For a partner to be qualified as a recommendation to other programs, they need to have at least 5 or more relationships in the segment. only recommends marketplace partners that are non-hidden and excludes direct partners.

The Benchmark Recommendations report shows you partners that perform well in your segment and have good revenue opportunities for your program. You can filter the recommendations by existing or not joined to help inform you on which partnerships you should work on or which partners to recruit.

Access the benchmark recommendations

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select insights-icon__v91f7cab.svg [Competitive Insights]Benchmark → Recommendations.

  2. From the filter bar near the top of your Benchmark Recommendations screen:

    • Select the Quarter for which you want to view benchmarking data.

    • Select the Region for which you want to view benchmark data.

      • Brand Benchmarking is currently available for North America, Europe, and Oceania.

    • Select the industry Category for which you want to view benchmark data.

      • Brand Benchmarking is currently available to Retail, Travel, and Education-related programs.

    • The filter options visible to you are those relevant to your program(s).

  3. Optionally, select a Partner Status from the filter bar.

    • Select Existing to see partners with whom you are already contracted.

    • Select Not Joined to see partners with whom you are not contracted.

    • If no Partner Status is selected, all recommendations will be shown.

  4. Optionally, you can email, schedule, or download the recommendations using the buttons at the top-right of the report.

Recruit and optimize high-ranking partners in segment

This table shows you the greatest available additional revenue opportunities in your segment, whether you are partnered with them or not. If partners in this table are Not joined to your program, consider recruiting them. If a partner is an Existing partner of yours, consider how you might optimize your partnership with them.


Engage and activate your non-productive partners

This table gives you the data to help activate non-productive (driving only clicks and no actions) partners in your program who are active for the segment. This is a list of existing partners that are performing well and driving actions for your peers in the segment but are only driving clicks (non-productive) for your brand.


Recruit and optimize from under-indexed partner business models

This section provides recommendations based on partners that brands could engage with to reinforce under-indexed business models. For instance, if a brand heavily relies on partners providing coupons compared to its peers and is underutilizing content partners compared to peers, we may recommend the brand give these underutilized content partners a chance to generate revenue.

Recommendations report reference




The name of the partner.

Partner Business Model

This is the main way this partner promotes. If the partner does not specify a primary promotional method, their business model will be uncategorized.

Partner Status

The contractual status of the partner (i.e., whether or not you have signed them to your program).

Additional Revenue Opportunity

The amount of revenue per quarter you could additionally generate if you partner with this partner or optimize your relationship with the partner.

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