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Attribution Risk Details Report

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The Attribution Risk Details report gives you further information on the actions shown in the Attribution Risk Summary. This report allows you to get granular details about each action, helping you better understand the source of the action and whether you should take action against the offending partner or not.

Access the Attribution Risk Details report

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Protect] → Attribution Risk → Details.

    • Alternatively, you can select the number in the Attribution Risk Count or Scored Actions column of the Attribution Risk Summary to view details on those specific actions.

  2. Filter the report data by using the filters under Attribution Risk Details.

    • See the Filter reference below for more information on them.

  3. Select [Search].

    • For more information on the report table data, see the Report data reference below.

  4. Optionally, you can email, schedule, or download the summary using the buttons at the top-right of the report.

Filter reference



Date range

The date range narrows the report to only show data from a specified range. The maximum range is up to 90 days.


Filter attribution risk for a specific partner (you can enter the partner name or ID), otherwise select All.

Shared Id

Filter attribution risk for a specific SharedId.


Use this filter if you want to view attribution risk for a specific country/region, otherwise select All.

Flagged as Attribution Risk

You can select whether you want to see All actions, actions flagged for attribution risk (Yes), or actions not flagged for attribution risk (No).

Report data reference



Action Date

The date and time the action was generated.

Action ID

A unique identifier of the action.


The order ID associated with the action.


Name of the partner associated with the data.

Partner ID

Unique identifier (assigned by of the partner associated with the data.

Shared ID

The SharedId you and your partner use to differentiate their traffic from others.


The country/region from which the action was generated.

Event Name

The name of the event type that tracked the action.

Event ID

The ID of the event type that tracked the action.

Referrer URL

The URL that drove the traffic.


The cost associated with the action.


The amount of revenue generated by the action.

Attribution Risk

Is this action flagged for attribution risk?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Forced Click

Is this action flagged for Forced Click?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Injected Click

Is this action flagged for Injected Click?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Click Velocity

Is this action flagged for Click Velocity?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Long CTA

Is this action flagged for Long CTA?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Low Intent.

Is this action flagged for a low conversion rate?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Image Click

Is this action flagged for Image Click?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Model ID

The ID of the attribution Risk model

Model Name

The name of the attribution Risk model

Click to Action Time (seconds)

Time in seconds between the action and the attributing click

Click Date

The timestamp of the click

Conversion Rate 15day

Clicks per action 15day as a %

Clicks per Action 15day

The overall number of clicks per action for the partner or shared ID over the past 15 days

Clicks per Action User 15day

The average number of clicks in a conversion path over the past 15 days for the partner

Clicks per User Source 3day

The average number of clicks per device/browser over the last 3 days

Sources per User 15day

The average number of partner clicks per device/browser over the last 15 days

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