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Advanced Action Listing Report

The Advanced Action Listing Report gives information about each action that has been credited to partners.

Manage the report

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Engage] [Engage] → Reports → More Reports.

  2. Using the search bar, enter "Advanced Action Listing" and select [Search] [Search].

  3. Select Advanced Action Listing.

  4. Below the report title, filter for the data you want to view. Select [Search] [Search] when you have your filters in place.

    • View the Filter reference for more information.

  5. View the table for your data.

    • See the Report table reference table below for more information on the report's table columns.

  6. Any report you create here can be Old delete [Pinned], Old delete [Scheduled], Old delete [Saved], or Old delete [Retrieved via API] by using the buttons in the top right corner of the screen.


Filter reference



Date Range

Filter data by when it was created. You can also compare two periods of time against each other.

You can pull a maximum of 366 days of data. However, you can still perform Year-over-Year reporting by selecting [Unchecked box] [Unchecked box] compare to {Previous year}.

If you want to pull more than 366 days of data, you will need to create multiple reports.


Manage where the data came from.

Action Type

Search for specific action types, like sales.


Select the partners for which you want to see data.


Input the deal for which you want to see data.

Action Status

Filter for actions at a specific stage in the approval process.

Action Id

If you want to look up a specific action by its action ID, enter that here.


Similar to the action ID, search for a specific action by its order ID.

Event Type

Formerly known as action trackers, select which event type you have set up that you want to review.


Select which groups of partners you want to view.

Relationship Type

Manage what kind of partners you want to view, such as direct partners.

Shared Id

Filter for actions with a particular shared ID.


View actions that are the result of a particular template term.

Referral Type

Select the conversion type that you want to view.

Customer Id

Enter specific customer IDs of the customers you want to view purchasing trends for.

Promo Code

Select the promo codes for which you want to view data.

Ad Type

Manage which kind of ads you want more information on.


Select the specific ads you want data on.


Choose which currency you want to see the data in.


Add data from a large selection of choices. These data points will get added to the table after you select [Search] [Search].

Show Data Points

Data point


Contract Id

The unique identifier of the contract (formerly insertion order).

Invoice Date

The date on which the action was invoiced.


The date on which the action was tracked. This filter shows the same date as the entry in the Action Date column.

Partner Group

The partner group(s) in which the publisher is listed.

Action Batch Date

If the action was entered into Impact via a batch file, the date on which that batch file was provided to Impact.

Batch ID

If the action was entered into Impact via a batch file, the ID of that batch event.


Which ad drove the action.

Ad Placement

Where your ad was hosted when it referred a customer.

Conversion Country

Country determined by the user's IP address at the time of the conversion.

Ad Position

On which kind of screen the ad that referred the customer was placed.

Ad Rank

Where the ad that referred the customer ranks on search engine results pages.

Bonus Cost

If there is any performance bonus cost associated with the action, this filter will list that cost.

Business Region

In which geographical region your business operates.

Referral Business Region

In which geographical region the business that referred the customer operates.


The kind of product(s) or service(s) for which you set up event types.


The product's/service's listed subcategory.


Which marketing channel drove the action.

Client Cost

If you are an agency, the amount charged to the client brand for this action.


Which contract (formerly insertion order) is associated with this action.

Currency Exchange

Adding this filter will add the Original Currency, Original Currency Revenue, and Currency Exchange Rate columns to the report, showing you in what currency the action was driven.

Custom Total

If a different revenue number was reported to Impact, this new number will be listed as the Custom Total for an action.

Customer Region

The region (or state) in which the customer resides.

Customer Country

The country in which the customer resides.

Customer City

The city in which the customer resides.

Customer Email

The customer's email address.

Customer Id

A unique ID for the customer.

Customer Status

The customer's Customer Status Mapping code for the action.

Date 1-10

If you passed a separate datetime along with this action, that will appear here.


The total discount applied to the action.

Disposition Status

If you have custom disposition codes set up and passed them alongside this action, the code will appear if you enable this filter.

Hear About Us

If the customer was asked how they learned about your brand and that data was passed to Impact, the result of that question will appear.

Click ID

Filter by the unique identifier of the click you want to view.

Landing Page URL

To which URL the customer was referred when they clicked through the ad.

Line of Business

If you have multiple "kinds" of product groupings (e.g., experiences and dining) and that information is passed to Impact during a conversion, that data will appear.

Referral Line of Business

If the referring partner has multiple "kinds" of product groupings (e.g., experiences and dining) and that information is passed to Impact during a conversion, that data will appear.

Locking Date

The action's locking date. After this date, the action can no longer be modified or reversed.

Modification Date

If the action was modified (but not reversed), the date on which this modification happened will appear.

Modification Reason

If the action was modified (but not reversed), the reason for the modification will appear.

Money 1-3

If you passed a separate money value along with this action, that will appear here. The value of this money will be converted to whatever Currency you select in the filters at the top of the report.

Numeric 1-10

If you passed a separate numeric value along with this action, that will appear here.


If you added any notes to this action, they will appear here.

Order Promo Code Description

If the action includes a promo code used by the customer, the promo code's description will appear.

Original Payout

If the current payout for the action differs from the original payout (e.g., due to a payout adjustment outlined in your contract with the winning partner), that original payout will appear here.

Original Revenue

If the current revenue for the action differs from the original payout (e.g., due to a promotion you are currently running), that original revenue will appear here.

Payment Type

How the customer paid for their order.


The postcode in which the customer generated the action.


Which partner media property referred the customer to generate the action.


If a rebate is available for the customer to use, that rebate amount will appear.

Redirect Rule ID

If a blocking or redirect rule affected the customer's referral journey, the ID rule responsible will appear.

Redirect Rule

If a blocking or redirect rule affected the customer's referral journey, the rule responsible will appear.

Referral Date

The date on which the partner drove a customer referral.

Referral Param 1-3

If the partner added a Param parameter (similar to a Shared ID), that parameter value will appear.

Referral Partner Property

Which partner media property referred the customer to generate the action.

Referral Traffic Source

The referring ad that the traffic that generated the click action.

Referral Traffic Type

The kind of traffic that generated the click action.

Referral Type

The kind of referral that generated the action.

Relationship Type

Your current relationship status with the partner that drove the action.

Scheduled Clearing Date

The scheduled payout date for the action. This is the date on which the partner will be paid for driving the action.


The shipping cost associated with the order.

Site Category

What type of site referred the customer.

Site Version

The edition of the site that referred the customer

Status Detail

If the action was reversed, the reason you provided for the reversal.

Text 1-25

If you passed a separate text/string value along with this action, that will appear here.

Property Type

What kind of media property is associated with the action.

Property Id

The ID of the media property associated with the action.

Property Name

The name of the media property associated with the action.


From which type of device the customer generated the action.

Actual Clearing Date

If the payout scheduling date for the action was changed, the new clearing date will appear.


From where the customer generated the action.

Click to Action Time

The time a customer took from initially clicking through the ad to when they generated the action.

Location Name

The name of the location from where the customer generated the action.

Location Id

The ID of the location from where the customer generated the action.

Location Type

The kind of location from where the customer generated the action.

MP Value 1-3

If you assigned a separate ID to the partner that drove the action, that ID will appear.

Media Property Id

The unique identifier of the partner web property associated with the click.

Media Property Name Historic

The previous name of the partner web property associated with the click. (e.g.Twitter/X,, YouTube.)

Media Property Name Current

The name of the partner web property currently associated with the click. (e.g, Twitter/X, TikTok, YouTube.

Media Property Type Historic

The previous type of partner web property associated with the click. (e.g.Website, Social.)

Media Property Type Current

The type of partner web property currently associated with the click. (e.g.Website, Social.)

Table reference

Action Date

Date (and time) when the action was recorded.

Action ID

Unique ID for the action.


Unique OID (Order ID) for the action.


Status of the action: Approved, Pending, N/A, or Reversed.


Amount of revenue generated by this action.

Action Cost

Cost of the action.


Percentage rate determined by revenue total and action costs.

Client Cost

Total costs charged to the client (including agency fees etc.).

Promo Code

If a promo code is used, it's listed here.


Specifies the partner which drove the action: partner, source, or unidentified.

Partner ID

Unique ID for the partner (partner, source, or unidentified)

Event Type

A tracking method that is applied to a defined action.

Event Type ID

The tracking method ID that is applied to a defined action.

Referring URL

The URL a consumer came from.

SubID 1-3

Shows the SubID1, if used for this action.

Shared ID

Shows the Shared ID, if used for this action.

Referral ID

This refers to the ID used to tie the referral back to the partner.

Indirect Tax

Tax incurred indirectly on goods and services.

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