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Reporting Overview Page Explained for Advocate

Advocate allows you to view data to determine the health and success of your various programs through our Analytics offering. You can view program-specific analytics as well as aggregate analytics for all your referral programs.

This article explains the information available under Reporting → Overview. If you’re looking for information about analytics per Advocate program, refer to Program Analytics Page Explained for Advocate.

Note: Recent data changes won't appear immediately. There may be a 5-minute delay for metrics on this page.

All-Time Statistics

The metrics shown in this section provide you with a historical overview of all of your active referral programs. These metrics are broken down into three categories:

Advocate - Reporting Overview - All Time Statistics

This metric displays the total number of participants that have taken action towards any of your active programs. This valuable metric helps you see how many participants are actively making use of all of your programs.

All Programs Overview

The graphs in this section are designed to provide you with additional insights for a specific timeframe. You can adjust this timeframe by using the dropdown menu and compare it against previous dates.

Advocate - Reporting Overview - All Programs Overview




Traffic is the total number of times someone has clicked on a share link for any of your programs in the selected time period. This is a good indicator of organic traffic that is being generated to your site or service via your programs.

Note: If you are not using share links in any of your programs, then this chart will not display any data.


Goals shows the number of times a goal was achieved across all of your programs in the selected time period.

This metric helps you gauge the overall health of your programs. An increasing trend in goals shows greater adoption and general success of the program whereas a decreasing trend could indicate a need to increase visibility of the program, a change in marketing strategy or reviewing the structure of the program itself.

This figure may include referrals flagged by the Fraud Protection system, if they triggered program goals.

Converted Referrals

Converted referrals shows the number of unique referred friends that have signed up and then completed the referral process.

This metric is a key measure of health for your referral program. Each converted referral represents a new customer for your brand, which indicates how much new businesses your referral program is driving. By comparing the cost of the program with the value of each converted referral, you can assess the ROI of your program.

Conversion Goals

This metric is an important indicator of the success of a program. A rise in goals means your program is encouraging users to complete the desired action. A lack of growth, or a decline, means you should consider promoting your program, adjusting your goals, or testing out different program rules.

This figure may include referrals flagged by the Fraud Protection system, if they triggered conversion goals.

Rewards Redeemed

This graph shows the total count of rewards redeemed by participants in all of your programs for the selected time period.

This metric allows you to quickly review how many rewards your programs are paying out to participants. It is also useful in assessing the success of your program, and whether or not the chosen reward(s) structure is maximizing incentive without impacting profit.

Program Breakdown

This section shows the key analytics metrics broken down by individual programs, based on the selected timeframe. These numbers mirror the graphs above but are broken down into each individual program.

As it is possible for a participant to be part of multiple programs, please note that the number of members for each individual program may not align with the all-time figure for Total Members.

Advocate - Reporting Overview - Program Breakdown

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