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Dynamically Pay Partners with the Shared Id

The Shared Id differentiates the traffic source for each action, enabling you to adjust conversion payouts based on the origin of website traffic. Partners can add the Shared Id as an extra parameter to your marketing content. This parameter can hold any value and is tracked by whenever the marketing content is included in the conversion path (e.g., when a customer clicks on a banner ad).

  1. Discuss with your partner the web domains on which they plan to host your marketing content.

    • Determining the web domains where partners plan to host your marketing content is crucial for dynamically paying them with the Shared Id. Without performing adequate discovery, your actual payouts may not match your expectations.

  2. Create template terms that alter the payout for a conversion based on the Referral SharedId. This should align with the domains the partner provided you.

    • Adjustments or restrictions are required for all web domains that affect the payout for a conversion. To update the payout for a domain, use a payout group or payout adjustment. To prevent a payout, use a payout restriction.

  3. Your partner updates the marketing content by adding a Shared Id onto it, then hosts it on the web domain that matches the Shared Id's value.

    • The Shared Id value passed must exactly match the Referral SharedId payout rule in the contract with your partner. If it does not match, then the payout will not be dynamically updated.

    • This step is repeated for every web domain you added to the template terms.

  4. Conversions are tracked. The payout dynamically updates depending on which Shared Id value is passed.

Double-check your setup with your CSM: If you want to double-check your dynamic payout setups before executing your plan, you can either reach out to your CSM or contact support.

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