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Add Custom Terms to Your Contracts

Custom Terms can be added to any set of template terms at any time. These allow you customize and define your relationship with partners without having to use other software, or sign additional contracts outside of Instead, you can simply copy them (or upload a PDF) into your template term and sign partners all from within

Custom terms supplement the Master Campaign Agreement that all advertisers and partners agree to. Once they're included in a template term that partners agree to, they're agreeing to your custom terms.

Create custom terms

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Contracts → Custom Terms.

  2. In the upper right corner, select Create Custom Terms. Refer to the definitions below for help.

    Enter a unique and descriptive name for your custom terms that will appear in the custom terms list. Partners won't see this name.
    Select a type that best categorizes your custom terms. If nothing seems to match, you can leave them as General Terms.
    Select the input method: Text provides a WYSIWYG editor for you to add your custom terms, while PDF provides an upload prompt for you to upload a PDF copy of your custom terms.
  3. Select Save.

Add custom terms to template terms

Partners are notified via email when custom terms are added to a contract they have signed, or if you modify custom terms on an existing contract.

New template term
  1. From the left navigation menu, select Contracts → Template Terms.

  2. In the upper right corner, select Create Template Terms.

  3. Scroll down to Custom Terms, and select your saved custom terms from the drop-down menu. Select plus-circle-solid__1_.svg [Add] Add more terms to attach additional custom terms.

  4. Complete the rest of your template terms and select Save.

Existing template terms
  1. From the left navigation menu, select Contracts → Template Terms.

  2. Find the template term you want to add custom terms to, then select Actions caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Modify Terms.

  3. Scroll down to Custom Terms and select your saved custom terms from the dropdown.

    • Select plus-circle-solid__1_.svg [Add] Add more terms to attach additional custom terms to your template terms.

  4. If you don't have any active partners on the template term, select Save to complete the process.

    If you have active partners currently on the template terms you're modifying, select Next and continue to the next step.

  5. This step applies if you're modifying a template term with active partners:

    Modification Start Date

    Set the date that your changes take effect. You'll see the Change Notice Period in small type below—this is the amount of days that partners will receive notice before changes take effect.

    Early Start

    Select check-square-solid__2_.svg [Checked box] to allow partners to accept your terms before the start date. In most cases, you can leave this option unchecked—it's mostly used in cases where you've increased your payout rates and you want to give your partners the option to start on the increased rate before the template terms officially start.


    Leave a comment that describes what changes were made—this will be sent to partners via email that have email notifications enabled.

  6. Select Save to finish your changes.

Modify Custom Terms

Warning: When you modify existing Custom Terms, any of your Template Terms that include these terms will be updated, and your partners will be notified of the change. Custom terms not on active template terms can be modified without updating template terms.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Contracts → Custom Terms.

  2. Find the custom terms you want to modify in the list and select Actions caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Modify.

  3. Use the fields to make your changes:


    If you want to change the name of your custom terms, enter a new name here.


    This field shows you the type originally selected for these terms—in most cases, this cannot be changed.


    Determine the input method for your custom term modifications. Text prompts you with a WYSIWYG textbox to enter your modified custom terms. PDF prompts you with an upload button to upload your modified custom terms in PDF format.


    Use the text editor or the upload button to add your modified custom terms.

  4. Select Continue.

  5. Use the fields to modify template terms that use these custom terms:

    Template Term

    Select View Template Terms to see a list of your template terms that use these custom terms.


    Select View Partners to see a list of your partners that are on template terms that use these custom terms.

    Modification Start Date

    Select Earliest available date to respect your template term(s) notice period and switch over to your modified custom terms as soon as possible. Note that with this option, some of your template terms may switch over before others. Select Fixed date to force all template terms to switch over to your modified custom terms on a specific date.

    Early Start

    Allows partners to accept your modified custom terms early instead of waiting until their template term updates by itself.


    Leave a comment that describes what changes were made—this will be sent to partners via email that have email notifications enabled.

  6. Select Submit.

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