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View your Overdue Payouts

Your partnered brand must have sufficient funds in their account to cover all their partner payouts before your payout can be released. If the brand doesn't have enough funds in their account, your payments will become overdue until they fund their account sufficiently.

Note: doesn't withhold overdue payouts from you — your payout has been tracked, attributed to you, and locked, but requires payment from the brand for services provided before proceeding with partner payouts.

View your overdue action earnings

The best way to keep track of your overdue earnings is via the Pending screen. This screen allows you to identify which brands owe you payouts so that you can contact the brand.

  1. On your Dashboard, select your Total Pending amount.

  2. On the Pending screen, set the Transaction filter to Overdue.

  3. Select any overdue payment to see more details about the amount due to you.

  4. Select the chevron-right-solid.svg [Forward arrow] to see more details about the payment process and dates.


Contact brands about overdue payments: If you have overdue payments, reach out to your partnered brand to ask about when you will get paid. If you still experience issues after that, contact support.

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