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Create an Image Ad Hosted by a Third Party

When creating an image ad, you can choose to have the ad display content not stored on When your partners serve an ad hosted by a third party, the ad will retrieve its content from the URL you provided when creating the image ad, or in the case of a video ad, it will display the iFrame from the HTML code you entered when creating it.

Managing Ads: If you need to adjust the details of your ad, expire it, or limit partner access to it, learn how to manage ads.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select  engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Content → Ads.

  2. In the upper-right corner, select Create Ad angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Image.

  3. Enter the ad's Name.

  4. Under Type, select dot-circle-regular.svg [Radio button] Third-party hosted image.

    • Supply the URL from where the image ad's content will be retrieved (and select the source URL's HTTP protocol).

    • Select which Ad Size this image ad should be.

  5. Enter the remaining ad details.

  6. Select Save to save the ad and return you to the Manage Ads screen.

    • Optionally, select Save and create another to save the ad you just created and open a screen to create a fresh image ad.

    • Optionally, select Save and create another ad with the same settings, to save the ad you just created and open a screen to create another image ad. All fields filled in for the image ad you just created will be replicated in the new form.


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