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Attribution Risk Summary

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The Attribution Risk Summary helps you determine the quality of your partners’ traffic by uncovering partners in your program that may be participating in attribution fraud. Attribution fraud is when a partner uses malicious tactics to steal conversion credit from another partner or source.

Protect uses an advanced detection algorithm to spot abnormal behavior associated with fraudulent practices. Each partner is assigned an attribution risk percent, the percent of their overall actions consistent with suspicious patterns. The higher the risk percentage, the higher the partner’s chance of engaging in malicious activity.

Access the Attribution Risk Summary

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select protect-icon__v076c455.svg [Protect] → Attribution Risk → Summary.

  2. Filter the report data by using the filters under Attribution Risk.

    • See the Filter reference below for more information on them.

  3. Select search-solid.svg [Search].

    • For more information on the report table data, see the Report data reference below.

  4. Optionally, you can email, schedule, or download the summary using the buttons at the top-right of the report.

Tip recommends you schedule this summary to be sent to you on a regular cadence before actions lock. This is to ensure you have enough time to investigate suspicious behavior and reverse them in time.

Filter reference



Date range

The date range narrows the report to only show data from a specified range. The maximum range is up to 90 days.

Group By

Select the data that the report should group:

  • Country—view attribution risk grouped by country.

  • Partner—view attribution risk grouped by partner.

  • Shared ID—if your partners are passing SharedId values to you in their tracking links, you can view attribution risk grouped by each SharedId value.

  • Event Type—the tracking method used.

  • Model Name—the name of the Attribution Risk Model.

  • Model Type—the type of Attribution Model (Mobile or web).

  • Referrer URL—the URL a user came from.

  • All—shows all three groups at once.

Model Name

The name of the Attribution Risk Model.

Model Type

The type of Attribution model, whether it is Mobile or Web.

Risk Level

The level of risk that the partner is evaluated at (Critical, Elevated, High or Low).


Filter attribution risk for a specific partner (you can enter the partner name or ID), otherwise select All.

Shared Id

Filter attribution risk for a specific SharedId.


Use this filter if you want to view attribution risk for a specific country, otherwise select All.

Event Type

Filter to see report data relating to the chosen event types only.

Exclude Partner

Select which partners to exclude from report data.

Attribution Risk %

Sets a minimum attribution risk percentage value. When running the result with a value set, it will only return results with an Attribution Risk % higher than this value.

Actions >=

Sets a minimum action amount value. When running the report with a value set, it will only show results with Actions greater than or equal to this value.


Select from these data points to include them in your summary data table:

  • Actions—Shows the trend of actions within the specified date range.

  • Action Cost—Shows the trend of action costs within the specified date range.

  • Risk Level Description—the quality of the incoming traffic.

  • Attribution Risk Reason Code (#)—This shows the number of suspicious actions per reason code during the chosen date range.

  • Attribution Risk Reason Code (%)—This shows the number of suspicious actions per reason code during the chosen date range.

More information on Attribution Risk Reason codes can be found in the Attribution Risk Reason Code Descriptions article.

Report data reference




Name of the partner associated with the data.

Partner ID

Unique identifier (assigned by of the partner associated with the data.

Attribution Risk Count

Total number of actions this partner has driven within the specified date range.

Select this number to view the Attribution Risk Details report on the selected actions.

Attribution Risk Cost

Cost amount of actions this partner has been paid out for within the specified date range.

Reason Codes

Refer to this article for more information on Reason Codes.

Risk Level

This determines the quality of incoming traffic from a partner or SharedId.

Attribution Risk %

The percentage score of attribution risk for this partner. This is calculated as the number of actions flagged for Attribution Risk divided by the total number of scored actions.

Scored Actions

The number of suspicious actions attributed to this partner.

  • Select this number to view the Attribution Risk Details report on the selected actions.

Forced Click # / %

Shows the number of forced clicks attributed to this partner (e.g., forcing a user to click without their knowledge). The percentage value is calculated as: # of Forced Clicks / # of Actions.

Injected Click # / %

Shows the number of injected clicks attributed to this partner (e.g., toolbar or extension that can “inject” a click prior to the conversion to take credit). The percentage value is calculated as # of Injected Clicks / # of Actions.

Click Velocity # / %

Shows the velocity of clicks (rapid clicks one after another) attributed to this partner—higher values can indicate spamming. The percentage value is calculated as # of Click Velocity / # of Actions.

Long CTA # / %

Shows the click-to-action score value. The percentage value is calculated as # of Long CTA / # of Actions.

Low Conversion Rate # / %

Shows which actions had a low conversion rate. The percentage is calculated as # of Low conversion rate actions / # of Actions.

Image Click # / %

Shows the number of clicks has detected from this partner as loading in image pixels. The percentage value is calculated as # of Image Clicks / # of Actions.

For more on types of attribution fraud, visit the Types of Performance Fraud article.

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