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Make Payments to Brands

The Payment to Brands feature helps you transfer funds back to a brand or agency. Funds will be deducted from your account balance when the payment is initiated. Looking for help on how to withdraw your funds from your account? Review our article on how to get paid.

This feature is useful in cases where a brand accidentally overpays or sends you funds in error (such as in cases when actions are reversed or modified).

Attention: You must have an active contract with a brand to send them funds

Create Transfer

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg  [Menu]Settings.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select user-circle-solid.svg [User Profile]  → Settings.

  2. Under Finance, select Payments to Brands.

  3. Select Create Transfer.

  4. Fill out the fields using the payment sections below for guidance.

    Payment To

    Under the Payment To section, enter the following fields:

    Field name





    From the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] select the Advertiser to which you want to send funds.



    The program for which you want the payment to apply.

    From the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] select a Program.

    Event type


    The event type for which you want the payment to apply.

    From the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] select the Event Type.

    Payment Details

    Under the Payment Details section, enter the following fields:

    Field name





    Enter the amount that you want to send. This value cannot exceed your account's Available Balance.

    Payment Date


    Select whether to send this payment immediately or to schedule it for a later date.

    Invoice Details

    If you scheduled a payment date above, you then need to select either of the following two options under the Invoice Details section:

    • Apply to invoice based on the current date

    • Apply to invoice based on the payment date

    Transaction Details

    Under the Transaction Details section, enter the following fields:

    Field name





    Select the type that most closely matches this funds transfer:

    • Make Good: Select this type if a payment is due to an overpayment from a brand or if a brand accidentally sent you funds.

    • Bonus: Select this type if this payment is to return a bonus (or portion of a bonus) to a brand.

    • Paid Placement: Select this type if this payment is to return funds related to paid placements.

    Event Date


    We recommend leaving this as the date you're initiating this payment to a brand.



    We recommend leaving comments that explain why you're sending this payment to the brand.

  5. Select Next to confirm details about the payment.

  6. Select Transfer to initiate the payment.

Initiate Payments to Brands in bulk

If you have multiple payments to make to different brands, you can upload a CSV or XLS/XLSX file to submit payments in bulk.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu]Settings.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select user-circle-solid.svg [User Profile]  → Settings.

  2. Under Finance, select Payments to Brands.

  3. Select Bulk Upload Transfers.

  4. Select Show/hide file format details to view the required columns.

    • Refer to the examples below for more help.

  5. Upload your file and select Submit to upload your payments in the bottom left corner.

    • Once you upload your file, will notify you of whether or not the upload was successful. You will then receive an email after the file is processed that will tell you whether the upload was successful or resulted in an error. Any errors in a file will cancel the payment and must be corrected and re-uploaded.

Partner Funds Transfer example accepts CSV and XLS/XLSX (Excel format) files. Below is an example of a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

MAKE_GOOD,1234567,4321,100,9876543,2020-01-20,Test Transfer,CURRENT,2020-01-20,USD
  • The Transfer Type is a "Make Good" Payment.

  • The Campaign ID value is the Brand ID for their Brand account.

  • The TrackerID is the Event Type ID that refers to the event type that is specified in your contract to track actions.

  • The Amount is 100 of your selected currency.

  • The PartnerAccountID is the Account ID of the partner's account (i.e., your own account ID).

  • The PaymentDate is the date this payment will be transferred.

  • The Comments column includes a brief comment about the transfer.

  • The InvoiceMonth refers to invoice this payment in the current month.

  • The EventDate is the date this payment should be reported.

  • The Currency uses the ISO 4217 code external-link-alt-solid-blue.svg for USD, meaning US Dollars.

Column reference

Column Name



Enter the program you would like to reference for this payment.




Enter the brand's ID—reach out to the brand you're sending funds back to for this ID.



Not Required

Enter the Action Tracker ID (AKA Event Type ID)—reach out to the brand you're sending funds back to for this ID.




Enter the currency amount you want to send the brand.




Enter the Account ID of the brand to which you want to send funds.



Not Required

Enter the intended date on which the transfer will be debited to your account and credited to the recipient's account. Format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 2020-01-01)



Not Required

Enter a comment for this transfer, which is shown to the brand. The maximum length is 255 characters.



Not Required

Select the month in which the transfer should be invoiced:



If you select CURRENT, the invoice month will be determined based on the date this file is uploaded. If you select PAYMENT, the invoice month will be determined based on the PaymentDate provided.



Not Required

Enter the date on which the transfer should be reported on. Format yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2020-01-01).



Not Required

Enter a currency for this transfer. The currency must be a three-character ISO 4217 code external-link-alt-solid-blue.svg (e.g. USD, GBP, ZAR)

  • Optionally:  Copy columns to clipboard or Clipboard contents can be pasted in a spreadsheet application.

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