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Create a New Extended Search

Note: You are limited to 5 active searches running simultaneously. However, you can pause or delete an extended search at any time.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select discover-icon__vf08ef31.svg [Discover]Extended SearchMy Searches.

  2. In the upper-right corner, select Create Search.

  3. On the Create Search screen, fill in the name and keywords of the extended search.

    • A maximum of 10 keywords may be included. Select keywords that your target partner typically uses in their content.

  4. Select the check-square-solid__2_.svg [Checkbox] to include results from Marketplace and an external network.

    • Marketplace results are “In-Network” results matched against the Discover Overview

    • Extended Results are “Out-Of-Network” results not matching against results in the Discover marketplace.

  5. Select your desired partner size.

  6. Select which channels to include in your search results.

    • Channel options include Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter/X, and Pinterest.

  7. Optionally, select your location, audience countries, and desired languages.

  8. Select Save.

    • Once a search is saved, results should start to generate within a few minutes but can take up to 24 hours maximum to populate. The search is ongoing with up to about 100 new results being added on a weekly basis. Learn how to review your extended search results.

    • To prevent overwhelming results, searches are automatically paused if there are 100 unreviewed search results. Searches are also paused when they return fewer than 5 results.


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