You can expire your contract with a brand if you no longer want to be part of their program. If you want to reapply to the brand after expiring their contract, you’ll need to go through the standard application and approval process or sign up via their direct sign-up link.
Actions may still track and credit you after expiring a contract, but these actions will come through as "outside of terms". No commissions can be earned from them. You can't deactivate your account when you have active contracts—all your contracts must be expired first.
Follow this process if you applied to the brand's program through the Brands Marketplace.
From the top navigation bar, select Brands → My Brands.
Alternatively for Creator accounts, from the top navigation menu, select Discover → .
Select the brand for which you want to expire a contract.
From the grid view, select the brand's logo. Then, on the slideout, select
More → Expire Contract below the brand's name.
From the list view, hover your cursor over the brand, then select
[More] → Expire Contract.
You can view your contract details for the last time or use the Comments box to send a short message to the brand before you cancel the contract. When you're ready to continue, select Expire.
Read the warning prompt carefully, then select I understand, continue.
Follow this process if you joined to a brand's program via a direct sign-up link.
From the Home page of your account, select View All on the Contract Terms card.
The Contract Terms screen will open.
At the top-right corner of the page, select Actions → Expire.
You can view your contract details for the last time or use the Comments box to send a short message to the brand before you cancel the contract. When you're ready to continue, select Expire.
Read the warning prompt carefully, then select I understand, continue.