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Assign Custom Tracking Values to Partners

You are able to assign up to three custom values to a Partner. Once the custom values are assigned, you are then able to add the values to your landing page query string. Assigning custom values to your partner helps:

  • Identify the partner by name in your internal analytics dashboard.

  • Specify the type of traffic associated with the partner (e.g. paid search, email, loyalty, coupon, toolbar, etc.)

  • Track if you have worked with the partner through another network and want to be able to marry the data and assign the Partner ID from the other network.

Assign custom values

  1. In the left navigation bar select Partners → Partners.

  2. Find the partner you want to set custom values for. In the Actions column, select [Drop-down menu] → Tracking → Custom Values.

  3. Select [Edit] to the far right of the Partner Value field you want to set.

    • Up to three values can be set.

  4. Input a value and select Save.


You can view your current Partner Custom Values under [Menu] → Settings → Partner Custom values (from the Technical section).


These values correspond to the {mp_value1} dynamic value of the Landing Page Query String Parameters which you control from the Settings → Gateway → Traffic Settings page. The MPValue{i} parameter can also be updated via API, View Update a partner for more information on API updates.

Bulk edit partner custom values

Partner custom values can also be uploaded and configured in bulk with a .XLSX or .CSV file.

  1. In the left navigation, select Partners → Partners.

  2. In the top-right, select Bulk Edit.

  3. Select Choose file to upload the file with all of your custom values.


    Selecting Show/hide file format details enables you to learn more about each column. Selecting Copy columns to clipboard will enable you to paste a template into a spreadsheet.

  4. Select Next.

  5. The data will load onto the Partner Values Bulk Upload screen with all the Partner Ids and values you've listed.

    • Here you can view validation errors, download the error file, and see all the Partner Ids and custom values listed. You can also filter to show only errors or passing values.

  6. Select Accept & Create Partner Custom Values.

Adding custom partner values to a landing page query string

To set your partner values to the landing page query string:

  1. In the left navigation bar select [Menu] → Settings.

  2. Under the Tracking section, select Gateway.

  3. To the far right of the Partner Tracking Template field, select [Edit].

  4. [Toggle on] Automatically append query string parameters to all landing pages for Partners.

    • This option allows you to ensure that certain query string parameters will always be added to the landing page for all redirected referrals from a Partner. This is primarily useful if you use a third-party analytics tool and wish to pass information to them through a query string parameter.

  5. Enter the name and custom value in the blocks provided.

  6. Select Save.

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