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Invite Account Users

Learn how to invite your colleagues (or an agency) and set access rights for your brand account.

Once you've invited account users, you can:

Invite account users

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. On the left side under General, select Account Users.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select InviteInvite User.

  4. Below User Email, enter one or more user email addresses.

    • Multiple email addresses are comma-separated.

  5. If you have SAML enabled, select one of the following Authentification Methods the account user would use to sign in or sign up with:

    • Username & password: This option allows the user to sign in with their own credentials.

    • SAML: When opting for SAML, follow step 1 of Enable SAML Single Sign-on.

      • Users that are invited using the SAML method cannot be reverted to username and password.

      • A brand account admin will not be able to sign on with SSO, but any member invited to join the brand account can.

    • Username & password + SAML: This method will give the user the following options: Username & password, SSO or SAML.

  6. Below User Access Group, from the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu], select a group or Create new user access if you haven't created a group yet.

  7. Optionally, send an invitation message to the user.

    • Select Preview message if you want to view the invitation before sending it.

  8. Select Invite to send the invitation to the invitee.


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