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Create Promo Code Exception Lists

Promo code exception lists can be used to pay partners different rates based on promo codes associated with actions they drove. You can also create exception lists based on item categories or SKUs.

Create a promo code exception list

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. Under Exception Lists, select Promo Codes.

  3. Select Add New Promo Code Exception List.

  4. List Name

    Enter a name for this list—this will only appear internally to you and other account members; partners will not see it.

    Associate Event Type

    Select the event type you want to associate with this exception list.

    Match Expression

    [Advanced & Optional] Enable the system to match only on a part of the promo code via specifying a regular expression with ONE grouping. The value represented by the grouping will be matched against the promo code in this list. If you have a use case for regex but are unsure how to configure it, contact support. Promo codes entered on the exception list are case-insensitive, so be sure that your regex expressions (should you use any) are also case-insensitive. See this regex guide for help on how to do this.

  5. Select Save and Add Items to continue.

  6. You can add a Promo Code or you can Upload a CSV or Excel file with your promo codes.

    • See the Promo Code exception list format section below for help in building out your .CSV file.

  7. Select Save.


Promo Code exception list format

Create a .CSV or .XLS/.XLSX file using the column name shown below.






Promo Code



The value that is included in tracking conversion data.

  • The values entered here are not case-sensitive.

Set payouts for a promo code exception list

Once a promo code exception list is active, you can add it to template terms under the Payout Groups option.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Contracts → Template Terms.

  2. Find the template terms you want to add the promo code exception list to. In the Actions column, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]→ Modify Terms.

    • If you want to create new template terms, select Create Template Terms in the upper right corner.

  3. Next to Payout Groups, select toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on], then select Add New.

  4. In the first drop-down menu next to Rules, select List for Order Promo Code.

  5. In the third text field, enter the name of your promo code exception list. A list of your existing lists will appear from the drop-down menu, which you can select from.

  6. Set the Payout you want for items on the list.

  7. Select Add to complete the process.


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