Promo Code Monitoring is the process of monitoring your promo codes in all the selected regions. This is used for managing the risk around partners promoting expired or promo codes they are not authorized to promote, and allows for remediating with these partners.
Note that makes use of Google to find your Promo Codes, so results are currently limited to what Google has indexed.
Policies enable you to automate both monitoring and remediation of your promo codes online. If finds any partners promoting promo codes selected in a policy, the platform will automatically create a violation and send a violation email to that partner.
Note: Before creating a policy, make sure you already have promo codes added to your program. You can create as many policies as you'd like, but you'll be limited on the amount of promo codes you can monitor depending on the Compliance package purchased for your account.
In the left navigation menu, select
[Protect] → Monitoring → Policies.
Near the upper-right, select Create Policy.
Select Promo Code Monitoring.
Input a Policy Name, then select the Violations that apply:
Automatically create a violation if a contracted partner promotes a promo code that is:
Expired — If a partner promotes an expired promo code, a violation is created.
Not Authorized — If a partner promotes a promo code they're not authorized to, a violation is created.
Close violations if promo code is taken down by partner
If the partner removes the violating promo code, will automatically close the violation.
Automatically send partners who have not completed violations reminder emails
If a partner hasn't completed the action required to clear the violation, they'll receive automated emails from reminding them.
Archive all ads older than 7 days
If a violation is older than 7 days, will automatically archive it.
Select Next.
On the Manage Promo Codes screen use the checkboxes to select the promo codes to include in this policy.
At the top of the list, select Include to include the selected promo code(s). A checkmark will appear in the promo code line item under the Included column.
When all desired promo codes are included, select Next.
On the Policy Summary screen, review your policy name and included promo codes. If everything looks good, select Save.
To view current policies, navigate to
[Protect] → Monitoring → Policies
Existing promo code policies appear here.
To modify an existing policy, hover over it and select
Modify the selected promo code policy's name and any included promo codes.
De-Activate / Activate
Deactivates (or activates) the promo code policy, indicated by the Status column. When activated, searches for the included promo codes online. When deactivated, doesn't actively look for the included promo codes online.
Deletes the policy entirely and frees up any used promo code slots.
See the articles below for more information about reviewing specific promo codes, logging violations, or for more insights into the data that finds on the promo codes included in your policies.