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Ensure GDPR Compliance using Consent Mode

Consent Mode is an feature (currently in beta) that helps you maximize tracking and attribution in regions where tracking requires user consent. The regions mainly affected by this are in EMEA — or more specifically, the European Economic Area (EEA).

Why is tracking harder in countries where GDPR applies?

Under GDPR, companies like are not allowed to track a user until that user has explicitly provided tracking consent. Usually, that consent is given via a popup such as the one below.


If a user is in a GDPR country and does not select Accept All, can’t track them. That means that no clicks on the partner's site or app can be registered, and there is no way to tell if that user eventually converted. A 2023 study [External link] found that only 25% of users select Accept All, on average, and only a tiny fraction select to customize their cookies. Most users either reject all cookies or ignore the banner entirely.

Is anything trackable without consent?

Yes! If the user clicks on a loyalty or rewards offer that requires tracking in order to deliver the promised reward, you have the legal right to track that user journey. The user is expecting to get their reward (such as cash back), and you have to be able to track the actions to verify that the reward was earned.

Even though you have the right to track those reward clicks, they are not currently tracked by default. That’s where Consent Mode comes in. Consent Mode lets track unconsented rewards clicks and any resulting conversions, to credit those conversions to the appropriate partners. The partner, in turn, can then deliver the promised rewards to their users.

Why use Consent Mode?

Often, when a conversion is not tracked due to a lack of consent, the user complains to your partner, who submits an action inquiry with you and/or It takes the support team's time and efforts to ultimately discover that the initial click was not tracked because the user did not provide consent, and that’s why the user never got paid or rewarded.


Without consent mode

With consent mode


You are missing out on valid conversions and thus underreporting the value of your program.

You see higher conversion volumes in your program.


End up not getting credit for all the conversions they drive and thus missing out on revenue.

Make more money and get fewer support tickets & complaints.


Are not consistently receiving their expected rewards after clicking a loyalty offer and making a purchase.

Have a better experience with loyalty/rewards sites, since they get their rewards more consistently.

How does Consent Mode work?

Consent Mode gives partners a simple way to mark any given link as a rewards link (making it exempt from the normal consent requirements). When a partner adds im_rewards=1 to their tracking link, knows to track that user journey, ignoring consent status.

How can you or your partners start using Consent Mode?

You will need to make a slight change to your integration, which means you will need to get help from your integrations team to help with a JavaScript update. This Integration Guide for Consent Mode will get them on the right track, and the technical support team can help where needed.

Can you explain Consent Mode with a flowchart?

Yes! Let's take the example of 1000 clicks. In GDPR countries and when consent is required, will track and attribute only the clicks for which the user provided consent. In this example, 40% of clicks don’t become attributable. In reality, this can be as high as 80-90%.


With Consent Mode, can categorize those 1000 clicks into three groups:

Click group


Consented Clicks

Out of 1000 clicks, 500 are consented. These clicks yield 50 consented actions, all accurately tracked in's reporting. See the example diagram below.

Unconsented Rewards Clicks

Rewards clicks are a distinct category because they represent a service requested by the user and don’t require consent for tracking.

200 clicks from rewards programs, translate into 20 rewards actions, also fully tracked with Consent Mode. See the example diagram below.

Unconsented Clicks

Here’s where it gets interesting. From 300 unconsented clicks, can model an additional 10 actions. Consent mode collects additional signals to allow to model these actions accurately. This soon-to-come modeling capability will provide even greater transparency. See the example diagram below.

Thanks to Consent Mode, the reporting reflects 70 tracked actions from consented and rewards clicks. With the upcoming consent modeling feature, will begin modeling actions from unconsented clicks too. This will allow you to see how many valid actions were not tracked due to nonconsent.


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