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Review Extended Search Results for Creator

You can view and filter search results through your specific extended searches or the main results screen.

The Results screen aggregates all the results from your active and paused extended searches. Here, you can search, filter, and review the search results.

Note: To prevent overwhelming results, searches are automatically paused if there are 100 unreviewed search results. Searches are also paused when they return fewer than 5 results.

View & filter extended search results

  1. From the left navigation menu, select discover-icon__vf08ef31.svg [Discover] → Extended Search → All Results.

    • Alternatively, to view only the results of a specific search, select My Searches, then select the desired search.

  2. Use the filter panel to filter specific search results.

    Filter options



    My Searches

    Filter according to a specific search. All active or paused extended searches will appear in the drop-down list. You can select from any search created by a user on your account.


    Choose which search results to display.

    By default, New and Viewed are selected. You can add results you’ve previously marked as Added to prospect or Not interested.

    Social Channels

    Narrow down results to specific social channels, including Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok.


    Choose whether you want to see Marketplace Results (creators already within the network), Extended Results (creators outside the network), or both.

    Creator Tier

    View creators based on the number of followers they have.

    • Nano (under 15,000)

    • Micro (between 15,000 to 75,000)

    • Mid (75,000 to 250,000)

    • Macro (250,000 to 1,000,000)

    • Mega (more than 1,000,000)


Review creators

When you have found creators who fit your criteria, you can review their profile before adding them as a prospect or inviting them to a campaign directly.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select discover-icon__vf08ef31.svg [Discover] → Extended Search → All Results.

    • Alternatively, to view only the results of a specific search, select My Searches, then select the desired search.

  2. Select a creator from the results.

    • Alternatively, to make a decision about a creator without reviewing them, hover your cursor over the result. Then, select check-solid.svg [Check] to add them to your prospects or ban-solid__1_.svg [Cancel] to mark them as not interested.

    • You can use the square-regular.svg [Checkbox] when hovering over a partner to select multiple creators before adding them to your prospects or marking them as not interested.

  3. From the slide out, you can view a brief description of the creator as well as their associated properties details, and contacts.




    The Properties tab shows an overview of the creator's different social pages or websites. On some properties, you can select Learn more to see in-depth engagement and reach data related to that property.


    The Details tab shows personal details like name, language, and location.


    The Contacts tab shows the creator’s provided contact details.

  4. Optionally, you can check-solid.svg Add to Prospects or mark them as ban-solid__1_.svg Not Interested.

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