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How Do I Close My Brand Account?

Before closing your account, you must expire all your contracts, clear all overdue or pending payments, and delete your product catalogs. Once your account is cleared, you should wait for the last action locking date to pass and submit a support ticket to request the closure of your account. will do a final review of the account before permanently deactivating it.

Step 1: Expire active contracts

To expire all active contracts at once, visit your My Partners screen.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Partners → Partners.

  2. Just below the filters, select check-square-solid__2_.svg [Checked box] Select AllContract → Expire.

  3. On the Expire screen, configure the options, then select Expire.

    • Optionally, you may want to Withdraw All Switches to prevent contract switches and leave a Comment explaining that you intend to leave the platform.

    • For more details on these options, see Expire Partner Contracts.

  4. Read the warning prompt carefully, then select I understand, continue to expire your partners' contracts.

Step 2: Confirm that financial obligations are settled

Your account cannot be deactivated until all outstanding and pending fees are settled. You'll have to fund your account sufficiently to settle all fees before can deactivate your account.

Note: If there is a remaining balance in your account after all your payments have been cleared, will refund you the difference.

  1. To view your pending payments, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Transactions → Pending Payouts → Actions.

  2. To view your account balance, from the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Finance → Overview.

    • Ensure that your existing balance covers the Required Funding amounts.

    • In the case of insufficient funds, you'll need to fund your account.

Step 3: Delete product catalogs

  1. From the left navigation bar, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Content → Products → Product Catalogs.

  2. In the Actions column at the end of the table, select the caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Delete.

    • Repeat this step for each catalog until all your product catalogs have been deleted.

Step 4: Request account closure

You are now ready to reach out to support to have your account closed. Simply submit a support ticket detailing your request. will do a final review of your account before deactivating it.

Important: Closing an account is an irreversible action. None of your data will be retrievable once your account is deactivated.

Account closure FAQs

What happens with my contracts after my account closes?

When closes down your brand account, all your contracts with partners are expired and any actions from the date of closure onward are rejected.

What happens with links after my account closes?

If you still have a promotional link posted anywhere on your partner media properties and a customer clicks on that link, they should receive an error message stating the link is expired or be directed to a dead page. If the link is still active, no crediting or tracking will take place and the action will be rejected.

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