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Modify Which Partners are in a Group

Once you have partner group(s) created, you can add or remove partners as needed. If you want to add Creators to groups, you can use the bulk edit option. See Bulk Edit Partners in a Group for further instructions.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Partners → Partners.

  2. In the list of your partners, select [Checked box] [Checked box] next to the partner(s) you want to add to your group.

  3. Select Groups [Drop-down menu] at the top of the list to reveal a drop-down, then select [Checked box] [Checked box] next to the groups you want the selected partner(s) to be in.

    • You can remove partners from a group by de-selecting the [Checked box] [Checked box] next to the group(s) that the selected partners should be removed from.

    • If you see a [Minus squared] in the Groups [Down caret] [Drop-down menu], then at least one of the partners you selected is not in the same group(s) as the others.

  4. Select Apply.


Add prospective partners to groups

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Discover] DiscoverProspects.

  2. Select a prospect and from the selected prospect slide-out next to Groups, type the new group's name.

    • The new group will automatically be created in the process.


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