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Manage Creator Campaign Applicants

The campaign manager enables you to invite new creators to your campaign or filter through, reach out, and pay active creators. You can also pause campaign applications restricting new creators from applying. allows you to accept a creator either to a specific creator campaign or to your overall program.. To better understand the possible scenarios when recruiting creators or processing creator applications, see Recruit Creators.

Find campaign applicants

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Campaign Manager → Creator.

  2. On the Campaign Manager screen, select the Active tab to view all your currently active campaigns.

    • Each campaign provides a summary of the most important insights, like who applied, your budget spent, and more.

  3. Hover your cursor over the campaign you want to manage and select Manage Campaign.

  4. On your selected campaign's screen, select Applicants.

    • Refer to the filter section to easily filter through all your applicants.

  5. Select the applicant's name for quick access to their creator profile.


Invite new creators to your campaign

You can invite new creators to your campaign as a group or as individuals, via email address, or via invite link.

You can invite either creator groups or individual creators to apply to this campaign.

  1. Within an active campaign, select Invite Creators in the upper-right corner.

  2. In the Group or Partners text box, start typing the name of the group or individual creator.

  3. Select the name from the auto-generated list.

    • Only creators that are part of your program will appear in this list.

  4. Select Send Invite.

    • When you invite an individual or a group, those creators will receive an email and in-app notification.

Reach out to applicants

You can either email or send an in-app message to your applicants.

  1. Hover over an applicant you want to contact and select Email.

  2. Fill out the email form and select Send.

Filter applicants

Filter by applicant status




All the creators that applied to a campaign.

Applicant status action options

  1. Hover over the applicant to Hire or Reject the applicant.

  2. Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to move the applicant to in review or alternates.


All creators you invited to participate in a campaign.

Applicant status action options

  1. Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to move the applicant to in review or alternates.

  2. You can also remove invited applicants from campaigns.

In Negotiation

All creators that are actively negotiating their Statement of Work.

Applicant status action options

  1. Hover your mouse over the applicant to Hire or Reject the applicant.

  2. Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to move the applicant to in review or alternates.

In Review

Creators who applied that you are reviewing.

Important: You have to move the applicants to in review.

Applicant status action options

  1. Hover over the applicant to Hire or Reject the applicant.

  2. Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to move the applicant to alternates.


Creators actively working on a campaign.

Applicant status action options

  1. Hover your mouse over the applicant and select Manage tasks or Pay the applicant.

  2. Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]View Statement of Work to view or download the creator's SOW.

    • The SOW shows you the creator's compensation, task timelines, usage rights, and more.

Refer to Manage Creator Campaign Payments for more information on paying creators.


All applicants who might be hired at a later stage, e.g., if a hired creator opts out.

Applicant status action options

  1. Hover over the applicant to Hire or Reject the applicant.

  2. Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to move the applicant to in review.


All the rejected applicants.

Applicant status action options

  1. Hover over the applicant to Hire the applicant or move to in review.

  2. Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to move the applicant to alternates.

Filter by applicant information
  1. Enter the applicant's name, ID, social media handle, or email in the text box.

  2. Select More Filters to filter by the applicant's personal information, like gender, age, ethnicity and more.

Note: Personal information is not mandatory and may be missing for some creators.

Applicant reference table

Column name



The creator's account name.

Application Message

The message sent by the creator with their application.


The creator's media properties. Select a social media icon to view their page.

Total Reach

The creator's total reach across all of their connected social platforms.


Where the creator is based.


The creator's age.

Relationship Status

The creator's relationship status.


The creator's gender.


The creator's ethnicity.

Household Income

The creator's disclosed household income.


The creator's preferred pronouns.

Parental Status

The creator's parental status.

Hired Campaigns

The total amount of campaigns the creator has worked on.


Specific groups to which the creator is assigned.

Remove an applicant from the campaign

  1. Hover over an applicant you want to remove and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More].

  2. Select Remove from this campaign.

    Warning: Removing an applicant from a campaign cannot be undone.

Pause campaign applications

When you pause campaign applications, new creators won't be able to apply to a campaign during the paused period. Pausing applications is useful when you receive an influx of applications and need time to review them.

Only the following creators can still proceed with their applications when a campaign is paused:

  • Creators who have been invited can still accept or negotiate campaign invites.

  • Creators who have already applied or are in negotiation can view and edit their proposals.

  • Creators who have already applied or are in negotiation can still be hired if a campaign is paused.

  1. From the Campaign Manager screen, hover over the campaign for which you want to pause applications, then select Manage Campaign.

  2. In the upper-right corner, select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]Pause New Applications.

    • You'll see a Pause.svg [Pause] icon next to your campaign name.

    • You can repeat the steps and select Resume New Applications if you want to continue receiving new applications.

Bulk manage applicants

  1. Select the check-square-solid__2_.svg [Checkbox] next to an applicant or check-square-solid__2_.svg [Checkbox] Select all below the filters.

  2. Based on the applicant's application stage, you can Hire, Reject, Move to in review, Move to alternates or group these applicants.

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