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The Invoices screen shows a breakdown of your fees either per month or per year (depending on your chosen billing cadence), as well as a download link to the PDF invoice for each period. Invoices are generated on the 1st day of each month, or on the 1st day of a specified month if you chose a yearly billing cadence (unless you’ve configured a custom GAAP month for your billing cadence).

Access your invoices

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Menu] → Finance.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Documents → Invoices.

  3. Use the Month filter above the table to specify if you want to view all invoices or a specific invoice.

  4. Optionally, select which table columns you want to see by selecting the [Columns] icon.

    • See the Invoice table reference below for more information on the invoice table columns.

  5. To download an invoice, hover over an invoice line and select [Menu] → Download. A PDF copy of your invoice will be downloaded.

Invoice table reference

Column Header


Generated On

The date that this invoice was generated on.


The identification number generated for the invoices.


The type of document: Invoice or Credit Memo.

Subscription Fee

The monthly or annual charge for using’s platform and add-ons like Optimize or Search Compliance Premium.

Incremental Growth Fee

This is a fee charged for exceeding your payment processing volume allotment.

Other Fees

These are all other service fees relating to using and can include, among others:

  • Set up fees

  • Ad hosting fees

  • Custom report fees

  • Wire processing fees


The tax levied to this invoice (if applicable).


The total fees owed by you to for the period.


The payment status of the invoice.

  • Paid—You have settled this invoice.

  • Not Due Yet—Payment for this invoice is pending but is not yet due.

  • Past Due—Payment for this invoice is past the due date. Settle the invoice immediately or risk facing account suspension.

View additional information

Select an invoice or credit memo to display additional information in a slider on the right-hand side of your screen. The slider provides information about the date of the invoice or credit memo and the document number.

The Total section displays the total amount and status of the document.

Select the Total amount to show a summary of the invoice or credit note history.

The Cost Breakdown section shows detailed information about any fees on your account.

Select the Subscription Fee to display more information about your subscription, including the total amount and the type of subscription.

Select the Download Invoice button to download a PDF copy of the invoice.

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