If both parties are registered for indirect tax in the same country or region, then the tax is levied when a transaction occurs. You can also view the aggregated indirect taxes when an invoice is produced.
You’ll declare if you are registered for indirect tax during the sign-up process. When you do, you’ll also provide your indirect tax number and the country in which you are registered.
The table below provides some examples of when indirect tax is levied or not:
Brand country | Partner country | Is indirect tax levied? |
UK | UK | Yes |
Germany | UK | No* |
Germany | Germany | Yes |
Not registered | Canada | No |
Not registered | Not registered | No |
Australia | US | No |
Spain | Spain | Yes |
* A reverse charge mechanism would apply in the European zone, so indirect tax is levied at 0%
From the left navigation bar, select
[Menu] → Settings.
Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select
[User Profile] → Settings.
Under General, select Company Information.
Under Tax Information, view your Indirect Tax Number.
If you aren’t registered for indirect tax, this field will be blank.
While you can remove or update your indirect tax information, we recommend that you avoid doing so unless it's absolutely necessary, e.g., you did not previously qualify for indirect tax and now you qualify. Changing this information affects whether the appropriate rates are billed against your actions and whether the correct amounts get added to your monthly invoice.
If you are unsure whether or not you should change your indirect tax information, please contact support.
From the left navigation bar, select
[Menu] → Settings.
Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select
[User Profile] → Settings.
Under Finance, select Tax Information.
Update the relevant information and select Save.