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STAT Tag Implementation for Partners

This article shows how to use the Superior Tracking and Transformation (STAT) tag, which is a snippet of JavaScript code that you can add to your website.

With a basic integration, the STAT tag offers two features:

  • Transform links—when loaded along with your webpages, STAT tag will detect any direct links you're using to send traffic to the landing pages of brands you work with and automatically convert them into tracking links. When users follow these links, you'll receive credit for any actions that result from driving that traffic.

  • Impression tracking—STAT tag will also count impressions for your transformed links each time it's loaded on the page, which can be viewed as a report in For this feature to work, the brands you're working with need to enable it in their account.

The advanced integration—which requires web developer work—adds an additional feature:

  • Identify User—STAT tag can track a range of additional information, like item IDs, products, and more, along with traffic information for more accurate conversion path reporting.


  • Enable STAT tag

  • Basic integration

  • Advanced integration

  • Test STAT tag

Before you begin, make sure that you have access to update your website's code, or know someone who can.

  1. From the top nav panel, select Content → Ad Tools.

  2. Under the STAT Tag heading, select [Toggle]Enable.

  3. Under the code snippet, select Copy to copy the code to your clipboard.

The basic integration serves as the core functionality of STAT tag by transforming relevant direct links on your website into tracking links and tracking impressions each time a user loads the page.

The STAT tag JavaScript code can be placed:

  • Anywhere in the <head> tag of your webpages

  • Anywhere in the <body> tag of your webpages

  • In the header template of your website

Depending on how you want to use STAT tag, we recommend placing it at the bottom of the <head> of each of your webpages that you want to run it on, or place it at the bottom of your header template for it to run automatically on all of your webpages.

Manual installation

This is if you manage (or someone you know manages) your website's code directly, and isn't hosted on a CMS or website platform.

  1. Open the source code of a webpage that you want to install STAT tag to.

  2. In your webpage's code, find the <head> opening tag at the top.

  3. Copy the entire STAT tag code at the end of the section so that everything is before the </head> closing tag.

  4. Repeat for each webpage that you want STAT tag to run with.

Managed website platforms

If you use a managed website platform or CMS like Wordpress, Squarespace, Wix, etc. refer to their docs for information on how to add a JavaScript tag to your website. For example:

While we can't list every possible platform here, a quick search in your preferred search engine should offer some results on how to install a JavaScript tag to your website. If you're still having trouble, you can contact support.

Tag managers

If you use a tag manager for your website, refer to their support docs for adding a custom HTML tag to your website. For example:

While we can't list every possible tag manager here, a quick search in your preferred search engine should offer some results on how to use your tag manager to install a JavaScript tag to your website. If you're still having trouble, you can contact support.

The advanced integration expands the STAT tag feature set with the identifyUser function, which you can use to track for specific product item IDs, categories, and other fields. This is especially useful If you work with brands that use a product catalog. The identifyUser function also captures non-personally identifiable information (non-PII). Any PII (like customer emails) collected must adhere to SHA-1 standards when sent to

This requires adding additional lines to the script files. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, you can contact support.

Heads up!

The advanced integration requires a skilled web developer that understands how this integration changes the script, along with the implications of the function. We strongly advise consulting with a developer before attempting this integration.

Modify the script

You’ll need to add the following line of code to the STAT tag body, after the trackImpression function:

impactStat('identifyUser', {properties}, {options});

The full tag will look similar to this (with the new code added at the bottom):

<script type="text/javascript">    (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g){e['ire_o'] = c;e[c] = e[c] || function(){(e[c].a = e[c].a||[]).push(arguments)};f = d.createElement(b);g = d.getElementsByTagName(b)[0];f.async = 1;f.src = a;g.parentNode.insertBefore(f,g);})('//<UNIQUE_ID>.js','script','impactStat',document,window);    impactStat('transformLinks', {properties}, {options [augmentLinksOnly, addImpressions]});    impactStat('trackImpression', {properties}, {options});    impactStat('identifyUser', {properties}, {options});</script>

The function can be customized with additional parameters in the {properties} section, depending on your use case. For example, if you want to track product catalog SKUs:

impactStat('identifyUser', {category: "", item: "", customerid: "", customeremail: ""}, {options});

  • Replace the quotation marks ("") with the value that you want to track in quotation marks (e.g., category: "creditcard")

  • The customerid and/or customeremail must be passed dynamically on each user visit. If you’re unsure how to accomplish this, contact support

Install the script

Once you’ve modified the script, you can follow the basic integration instructions to install the script.

Test STAT tag

Once you've installed the STAT tag code snippet on your website, you can test it to make sure it's working correctly.

Basic integration test

Once you’ve installed STAT tag, you can use your browser’s developer console to check that the link transformation and impression tracking features are working.

Check your website links

  1. Use your browser's developer console to check the HTML code. Hover your pointer over a link, right-click and select Inspect (or Inspect Element).

  2. Check that the link in the <a href=””> part looks like an tracking link (e.g., or similar).

Alternatively, you can hover your pointer over links on your page. Most browsers will show the link's path in the browser’s status bar in the bottom left corner. The link should look like an tracking link (e.g., or similar).


If you're using Safari, make sure to enable the Status bar from the top menu. Select View → Show Status Bar (or press +/).

Check impression tracking

  1. In your browser’s developer console (right-click → Inspect/Inspect Element), select the Network tab. Refresh the page to capture fresh data.

  2. In the list under Type, check that an xhr or beacon has fired with a Status of 200.

Alternatively, you can search your Partner ID in the Network tab. The format of the line item is {trackingdomain}/i/partnerId/adId/campaignId with an xhr or beacon Type and Status of 200.

You can also check the Applications tab, look for Storage → Cookies for the IR_NPS (session) and IR_NPI (UUID long-term) cookies.

Advanced integration test

Testing the advanced integration requires knowledge of how to dynamically pass the customerid and/or customeremail variables. Once this is configured, look in the Network tab of your browser’s developer console for customerid={passedid} and customeremail={passedemail}.

If you’re not sure how to accomplish this, contact support.

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