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What is AI? AI automatically recommends partners for you so that you can unlock new partnerships. The AI instantly provides high-quality partners to your program while eliminating time-intensive activities like negotiating contracts or messaging.

What data does AI factor in? AI combines the following 1st and 3rd party data:

1st party data points:

  • Partner performance metrics

  • Fraud indicators

  • Behavioral patterns

3rd party data points

  • Audience size

  • Country combination

How can I review AI’s recommendations?

Impact AI automatically accepts partner applications when it deems the partner to be a match for your program and rejects them when they are not. If you feel that certain recommendations were not a good match, you can expire partner contracts that were automatically accepted.

View these recommendations on the Applications screen:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select PartnersApplications.

  2. On the Applications screen, select the Processed tab.

  3. Select the Processed By filter, then, choose Impact AI.

    • Use the Processed By column.


Can I manage my AI opt-in settings?

If you feel that recommended partners are not in line with your preferred target audience, you can change your AI opt-in settings and manually recruit partners of your choice.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu]Settings.

  2. On the right, under Automate Partner Applications, select Application processing by Impact AI.

    • From here, you can manage your AI settings:


Will AI improve at matching me with new partners?

Yes. The more you use Impact AI, the better it'll get at recommending ideal partners. AI takes note when you expire a partner that wasn't the right fit, and when a matched partner has been driving great sales for you.

What is the difference between AI and Workflows?

When AI assesses partner applications, its assessment is based on multiple data points like fraud, audience reach, and partners who are most productive and active on

How can I get assistance with Impact AI?

You can contact support or use the live chat option on the platform:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. In the lower-right corner, select question-circle-solid.svg [Help]ChatGeneral Inquiry.

  3. Type your query and select Enter on your keyboard.

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