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Best Practices for Configuring Segment Conditions

Exploring the do's and don'ts of grouping Conditions in your partner segments will help you utilize these segments effectively. In this article, we’ll provide examples of effective and ineffective condition groupings. By following these guidelines, you’ll learn how to create dynamic segments that keep your partner lists relevant and organized.

Examples of Do's and Don'ts

The examples below will demonstrate how to use each condition correctly to avoid errors when creating your partner segments.

Performance conditions best practices

Use the example of Do's and Don'ts to identify which Performance conditions can be grouped together, helping you avoid errors when creating your partner segments.

Performance Conditions



Use performance filters alongside the Relationship Stage filter set to Joined to evaluate only those partners who have established a relationship and generated Performance metrics. Without a Joined relationship, partners will not have any performance data to analyze.

Avoid using the same filter twice with the same operator.

 E.g., Actions greater than 1 + Actions greater than 1.


Use the Performance Date Range filter according to the same guidelines as the Last Transition Date as seen in the example below.


Avoid using the same filter twice within the same segment, even when combined with the Performance Date Range, as it is redundant and may lead to unexpected results.

E.g., Actions less than 5 + Actions less than 3 + Performance Date Range is Yesterday.

Don't use the Performance condition filter without specifying the Performance metrics Clicks, Revenue and Performance Date Range.

Partner conditions best practices

Use the example of Do's and Don'ts to identify which Partner conditions can be grouped together, helping you avoid errors when creating your partner segments.

Relationship Stage



Make sure you select and pair the correct Relationship Stages for the type of segment you intend to create. E.g., New + Joined.


Don't pair these Relationship Stages in a two-row setup, as seen below, as it can lead to inaccurate results.

Last Transition Date



Combining the Last Transition Date and Relationship Stage fields can provide a more precise and accurate search result. 

E.g., If you want to find partners who recently transitioned to the Outreach Stage, use a filter for both the Outreach Stage and a recent Last Transition Date Range.

  • Filtering both fields ensures you select partners who have transitioned to the specified stage within a specific timeframe, avoiding discrepancies that could arise from using either field alone.

Don't use the Last Transition Date field twice within the same segment, it is redundant and can lead to inaccurate results.


Use the Last Transition Date to filter partners who have transitioned to their current status today.

 E.g., the date range would be from 2024-01-01 00:00:00 to 2024-01-01 23:59:59 UTC.

  • Remember that this does not refer to the last 24 hours.

Use this filter to select partners who transitioned to their current status between dates. E.g,. 15 September, 2024, and 25 September, 2024.

  • This will exclude the partners who transitioned on September 25.

Use this filter to select partners who transitioned to their current status exactly a specified number of days ago

E.g., Last Transition Date interval between 20 & 45 days ago.

Partner Group



Use the Partner Groups to filter out specific partner groups for a segment. E,g., Influencers & Loyalty.

  • This filter will select partners who are members of either Influencer OR Loyalty group.


Don't use this filter if you intend to find partners from two different groups. A partner must belong to both groups to be included in the results; otherwise, they will be excluded.

Partner Template Term



Use this filter to include partners contracted under specific Partner Template Terms. E.g., Public Term.

Don't pair these Template Terms in a two-row setup, as seen below, as it can lead to inaccurate results.


Use this filter to include partners under various Partner Template Terms. E.g., Public Terms AND Acme G3 Terms.

Contract Stage



Use this filter to apply multiple Contract Stages. E.g., Joined + Awaiting Contract Start.


Don't attempt to filter by partners who are in the the Awaiting Publisher Approval AND Publisher Declined  Contract Stages.

  • These contract stages are mutually exclusive, and no partner will meet such criteria.

Partner Name



Use this filter to select multiple Partner Names. E.g., Justin Case + Hazel Nutt.


Don't select the same partner name twice.

Partner ID



Use this filter only if you know the exact Partner ID of the partner you want to filter.


Don't use a Partner ID that does not align with a Partner Name as the filter may produce unexpected results.

  • For example, a partner with the name "Justin Case" might have a different ID than expected, causing incorrect filtering.


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