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Participation Bonus Report & Bulk Partner Funds Transfers

Run the Participation Bonus report

This feature is only available with the Optimize add-on. Click here to get the add-on!

The Participation Bonus Report will show you the amount you should send each partner via Partner Funds Transfer.

Because the process to actually pay out participation bonuses is a manual one, you should heavily consider scheduling this report to run in regular intervals. Learn how to schedule reports.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select optimize-icon__v4346847.svg [Optimize].

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Payout → Participation Bonus.

  3. Set the date range filter to be between the last time you sent participation bonuses and today.

    • If this is your first time sending participation bonuses, set the start date to be the date you set your payout adjustments in the Template Terms.

  4. Set the Interaction Type filter for what you want to pay participation bonuses.

  5. Set the Commission Rate filter to be the same percentage you chose in Step 4 in the Adjust payouts for participation bonuses section above.

  6. Select search-solid.svg [Search].

  7. Record the Partner IDs and their corresponding Partner Bonuses from the report. You will need these fields to create your bulk Partner Funds Transfer file.

Create and send a bulk partner funds transfer

Once you have the Partner ID and the bonus amount participating partners should receive from the report, you can then create a bulk partner funds transfer file to send them those bonuses. Learn how to send individual partner funds transfer.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Finance.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Transfers.

  3. In the top-right corner of your screen, select Bulk Upload Transfers.

  4. Next to Upload Excel/CSV file, select Choose file.

  5. Locate and select the file from your computer.

  6. Select Submit.

Note: You will receive an email with the results of your batch upload. This email will include which transfers were successful and which were not, as well as the reason(s) why the failed transfers failed. If you do not receive this email within 48 hours of submitting your file, reach out to your CSM (or contact support).

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