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Tracking with UTT: JavaScript Functions

Read more about tracking with UTT.

identify function

The identify function is used to identify users accurately across your site, particularly across devices. Supply identifiers so can map users to conversion events for attribution. You can learn more about installing the identify function here.

<script type="text/javascript">               
ire('identify', {customerId: 'Customer Id', customerEmail: 'SHA1 Email Address', customProfileId: 'UUID'});

Note: The customerId, customerEmail , and customProfileId values should be dynamically populated on your site if a user is logged in, or left blank if they cannot be populated.

generateClickId function (Direct Tracking)

The generateClickId function can be used to obtain the clickId value whenever accessing the clickId value from the landing page URL’s query string parameters is not possible.

<script type="text/javascript">
ire('generateClickId', function(clickId) {   
    // use clickId here

Direct Tracking Example

<script type="text/javascript">
ire('generateClickId', function(clickId {   
    var myClickId = clickId;   

trackCart function (Last to Cart crediting)

Last to Cart is similar to Last Click crediting in that one of the last steps a customer takes in the conversion path will determine which partner receives all the credit and payout for the conversion.

With Last to Cart crediting, the last time a customer adds an item to their cart will determine the winning partner. Implementing the trackCart function is required to support usage of the Last to Cart credit policy. See Last to Cart Credit Policy Explained for more details.

Add this function to the Add to Cart button.

<script type="text/javascript">
ire('trackCart', [event_id], {customProfileId: 'UUID'});

Note: The Event Type ID must be your tracker-specific ID found under Tracking SettingsEvent Types. The parameters should be dynamically populated with values from the conversion.

Conversion Pixel

Lead Tracker Example
<script type="text/javascript">

ire('trackConversion', ACTIONTRACKERID, {           
          orderId: "Your Order Id here",
          customProfileId: "Your Custom Profile Id here",           
          customerId: "Your Customer Id here",           
          customerEmail: "Your Customer Email here",            
          customerStatus: "A Status here",            
          orderPromoCode: "Your Promo Code here"        
Sale Tracker Example
<script type="text/javascript">

ire('trackConversion', ACTIONTRACKERID, {           
          orderId: "Your Order Id here",     
          customProfileId: "Your Custom Profile Id here",        
          customerId: "Your Customer Id here",           
          customerEmail: "Your Customer Email here",            
          customerStatus: "A Status here",            
          orderPromoCode: "Your Promo Code here",            
          currencyCode: USD           
          items: [                  
                        subTotal: 100.00,                                
                        category: "Category here",                                
                        sku: "SKU here",                                
                        quantity: 2                   
                        subTotal: 50.00,                                 
                        category: "Category here",                                 
                        sku: "SKU here",                                 
                        quantity: 1                

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