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Set Up & Submit Batch Modifications & Reversals via FTP or Email

You can use our .csv template files below to help guide you in preparing a file with your modifications and reversals.

The template file you need depends on whether you're tracking at the order level or item level, as each requires different fields. If you're unsure about which file to use, ask your CSM or (contact support).

Note: allows a maximum of 1000 modifications per action. If you need to make further modifications thereafter, contact support.

  1. Download the batch .csv template file relevant to your use case:

  2. Open the template file with a spreadsheet app (such as Microsoft Excel) or a text editor (such as Notepad or TextEdit).

  3. In the second row (i.e., the first row under the headers), start adding your action data.

    • If you are using a spreadsheet app, add each data point in a separate cell.

    • If you are using a text editor, use commas to separate each data point from the others.

    Important: Make sure you're editing the cells in "Plain text" or "Text" format so that values aren't accidentally omitted.

  4. Save the file with an identifiable name, such as:


  • also supports .xml files for batch modifications & reversals. See the File examples section below to see an example of .xml files formatted for batch modifications & reversals.

  • Refer to Batch Modifications and Reversals File Parameters and Reason Codes to see which fields can be used in an FTP/SMTP batch modification or reversal.

Submit your data file

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. On the right, under Tracking, select Event Types.

  3. Select the name of the Event Type for which you want to submit batch modifications.

  4. Next to Returns Processing, select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

  5. Select Automate returns processing (advanced) and opt for your preferred upload method. Follow the steps below for each relevant method:

    Upload file to system FTP server
    1. Select Upload file to system FTP server.

    2. Select Email FTP Username and Password.

    3. Once you have received your FTP credentials, use an FTP client to connect to with the following info:

    4. Once connected, upload your file to the main directory of the server.

      Important: If you have not received the FTP credentials email, contact the person who created your account. Alternatively, contact support.

    Pull file from your own FTP server
    1. Select Pull file from your own FTP server.

    2. Enter the Server URLPort, and directory path to the batch modifications file on your FTP server. Enter the Username and Password that will use to connect to your FTP server.

    3. Select Save and continue.

    4. Upload your batch modifications file to the directory you specified above (point 6). attempts to connect and download files from your FTP server every 24 hours. Wait at least 24 hours for to download your file.

    Email file to system SMTP server
    1. Select Email file to system SMTP server, then copy your unique email address.

    2. Using any email client, send an email to the unique address with your batch modifications file as an attachment. (Only include the unique email address for the event type in the To: field. If you need to send this file to others, include them in the CC: line.)

      You can leave the subject field and message body blank.

  6. After a successful upload, go to the Review the file submission section below.

Review the file submission

Once you've sent your batch .csv or .xml file to, you can check its current status and if it was processed.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu]Settings.

  2. In the left column, scroll to the Technical section and select File Submissions.

  3. Use the table to review recent file submissions that has received, including the current processing status.

    • Below you can view various errors you may encounter when reviewing file submissions and actions you can take to rectify them.

    Errors when reviewing file submissions

    Some common errors when reviewing file submission may include:


    Action to take

    Records column shows 0

    Make sure the file extension is . CSV or .XML.


    There is no change made to the action. Please ensure you enter the final amount into the Amount column, (E.g. enter 0 if you want to reverse actions.).


    The reason code is not valid. Please follow the standard reason codes.

    Alternatively, if you have custom disposition codes set up,proceed with the following:

    1. Navigate to ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu]SettingsEvent Types.

    2. Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] and then select Disposition Codes.

    Note: If you want to approve actions, Approve needs to be set up as a custom disposition code.


    The action has already been locked. No further changes can be made.

    ActionTrackerld:ActionTrackerld value is invalid

    This should correspond to the Event Type ID entered.

    1. Navigate to ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu]Settings.

    2. Select Event Type and make sure to enter the correct Event Type ID.


    The OID is incorrect. Please provide a correct OID.


    The action has already been reversed.


    The action has already been approved.

File examples

Expand the examples below to see what the body of both a batch .csv and an .xml file would look like.

Order-level .csv
Item-level .csv

Reversing items requires two additional values (SKU and Quantity) compared to an order reversal.


See above that an Order ID is listed twice—this is because there are two different SKUs in the order (line 1 and line 2 respectively), one is being reversed and one is being modified. Notice the difference - one is being zeroed out (line 1) and the other is being changed to a new final value (line 2).


  • You always need the correct SKU and OID when doing item-level modifications and reversals.

  • You can't modify an SKU (i.e., change an SKU) for item-level actions.

  • You can modify the quantity for item-level actions.

Order-level .xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ActionReturnRequests xmlns="">
Item-level .xml

Reversing items requires two additional values (SKU and Quantity) compared to an order reversal.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ItemActionReturnRequests xmlns="">

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