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Share of Voice Report

Note: This functionality is in beta. Contact your CSM or our support team if you'd like to test this feature.

The Share of Voice (SOV) report shows how partners promote your tracking links on their sites compared to other brands you compete with.

You’ll be able to choose which brand domains you want to be compared with across all networks. reports on all brand domains by crawling partner sites to see the landing brand domain since this is all publicly available information. A higher Share of Voice (SOV) % means that you have more authority within your business niche.

SOV calculations: You can calculate your SOV % by dividing the number of your affiliate links (A) by the total number of all domain’s affiliate links (A+B+C+D+E+F) and multiplying by 100.


  • Gauge brand visibility

    • Measure your brand’s visibility by comparing it to your competitors’. This comparison will indicate whether or not you’re underrepresented and if you need to improve your partner relationships.

      Example: When you notice your SOV percentage with a partner is low, you can revisit your partnership strategy to increase your SOV percentage.

  • Save time and money

    • The SOV report automates link discovery and monitoring on partner and brand websites. Accordingly, you can eliminate the need for third-party tools or expensive solutions.

Access and view the SOV report

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select insights-icon__v91f7cab.svg [Competitive Insights]Share Of Voice.

  2. Use the Landing Domain and Partner filters below Share of Voice to select competitor landing domains and partners you want to include in your report.

    • A maximum of five additional landing domains can be selected. Reach out to your CSM (or contact support) to configure these landing domains.

  3. Once you’ve selected competitor landing domains and partners, view the total partners, links, and the last scan date.

    • Total partners: The total number of partners. This total is not the mutual number of partners you share with your competitors, but all the respective partners of each domain.

    • Total links: The total number of links on your partner sites for you and five other landing domains.

    • Last scan date: The date on which the last crawl for tracking links was performed.

  4. View a breakdown of links by Domain or Partner.

    Links by Domain displays a donut chart with the total percentage of links of your and your competitors' domains.  The bar graph displays the total number of links for your domain and your competitors' domains.


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